Friday 30 December 2016


ome times in life, it takes extra-ordinary grace to come out of comfort zone. Our hurt experience can put us in the state of fear that even if we are faced with a golden opportunity we would be too intimidated to the point where we ignore the glory ahead because of the past. I’ve been there before and I understand if you are afraid of taking that chance. You may have heard God clearly but fear says, ‘…but remember what happened last time’. Fear retards you and cages you in. But Jesus says, “if you have faith like a mustard seed…” he didn’t say like faith like a mango seed. He only asks for a little faith, it may not be much but it’s enough.
      Oftentimes we ask for a certain form of confirmation from God, he honours us and gives us that sign but the fear and uncertain part of us – which is normal, still asks for more. Let’s take for example Gideon in the bible. He was the least in his father’s house and yet God chose him for an assignment. He asked the angel that came to wait till he brings out his offering, the angel accepted his request and finally when he came with it the angel did much more than just accept it, he lit it up with fire just by touching the meat and then disappeared. That was a confirmation to proceed with the duty. In other assignments, he kept asking for one more sign even after a sign has been given. (Judges 6) Some would say he wanted to be double sure, and you may be right but the angel had already given him a peep into the future by saying, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valour”. Such salutation! But Gideon started off first by complaining rather than ask what the greeting meant.
      How many times has God given us a message and yet we see the problems around us bigger than Him who has called? I’ve been there so many times and I guess that’s why this is coming across to us. Take that leap right now. Whatever God has called you to do, a small project or a gargantuan mission, all it takes is a mustard faith, eyes closed and a mind that says, “faithful is he who has called he will also do it”. Get up and Get out! Do that thing right now and stop asking questions. It’s good to ask for a sign but, see what Jesus says, “Blessed are they who believe though they’ve not seen!” Now JUMP!!!

Monday 21 November 2016

Singing Preacher

In 2014 when Singing with Grace began, it was quite overwhelming and challenging but it turned out to be a very memorable experience. The joy, laughter, fun and enthusiastic build up to the event was just heavenly. I remember rolling on he floor and in serious tears of joy. How time flies! It's three years now and we're here again. God said, "title this edition, GLORY EXPERIENCE, it's time for me to come down like never before!" and we are expecting! Come expecting too! It is going to be a TRANSFIGURATION evening!

Last time we featured here on the blog one of the guest ministers for this year's concert, today we're presenting the next on the list. Though not a first timer, he was at last year's event and this year we thought it wise to have him officially as a minister. His name is Zumba Chinedu John, a gospel minister

Saturday 19 November 2016


The title above came to me in my sleep in the early of the day of this write up. One of the most important and valued asset of all ages is time. The book of Ecclesiastics clearly states in chapter 3 that there is time for everything. God himself doesn’t work without timing. He has a perfect time for you. Taking a deep insight into that scripture shows that from a baby’s first cry to man’s final breathe, a season is appointed to all of his life’s endeavor.
      Take a look around you, what time is it for you? The time of life and death is not in your hands but we have the other times in your hands. That’s privilege! God has given you the leverage to do what you must now that you can! Don’t go with the thought, “it’s too late”. Nope it’s not!

Monday 14 November 2016

Singing With Grace

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Apostle Paul in his words to the gentile churches made the statement, "For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power", (1Cor. 4:20). From the context from where this verse was taken, there was an argument of those who thought that being fluent in speech meant they had a better understanding of the Word, but Paul demonstrates that it's not word alone but power accompanying the Word! The Word of Christ in us gives us an edge over all facets of life's challenges. Moreso, it has the ability to set us apart from those who think they know. The Word has an effect unlike any other. When it dwells in us, it translates to teachings, admonishing and making music in all spirituality and Grace in our hearts to GOD!

Music is one very powerful tool

Sunday 6 November 2016


Just seems like yesterday we were in 2015, now 2016 is coming to an end. I have news from God for you this season and that news is this, “I have heard your cry, seen your frustrations, observed your struggles and have followed up your case till date, and now I have come down to deliver you!” God says, “Get ready to leave, the time is now! You have dwelt long enough in this mount!” In Deuteronomy, Moses spoke to Israel motivating them to move out of their comfort zone, there was much land to possess even though they feel comfortable. For the sake of God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they had many more lands yet to be possessed! (Deut. 1:6-8)

Saturday 22 October 2016

David Ibiyeomie

You're very correct if you say "we've been off grid". On behalf of the entire KTF TEAM, I apologise. We are working on something very serious and when we're done, you'd be glad you were patient with us.

Today is a special day, there's so much to be unhappy about but I tell you what there are "10,000 reasons for our hearts to find" (Matt Redman - Bless the Lord oh my soul). Count your blessings name them one by one. God is working out something for you in the midst of all your troubles. Hold on and Keep The Faith!
Pastor David Ibiyeomie
Senior Pastor Salvation Ministries

Well, news making the round is that today is the birthday of one of Heaven's finest sons, Pastor David Ibiyiome. Born in Bonny Island on October 21, 1962, his late parents were indigenes of Bolo Town in Ogu/Bolo Local Government Area of Rivers state. He became born again in 1995 and also discovered his divine calling same year. That kinda reminds me of Apostle Paul.
Everyone's got to have a mentor somehow, someone to check your progress or someone you admire and aspire to be like and as God would have it, Bishop David Oyedepo was the angel in human form sent to polish him and the fruits are evident in his ministry today as his church SALVATION MINISTRIES is the fastest growing church in the South South region of Nigeria.
He attended full time Bible School at the Word of Faith Bible Institute, an arm of Pastor David Oyedepo’s ministries in 1996. In the course of his training, he was greatly influenced by Bishop Oyedepo’s standards.

Author of many books, Faith speaker, motivator, mentor to many and much more, did I forget? He's a great dancer, you need to see him do the Ikwerre waist dance, if you're a woman you'd be ashamed cos he'd beat you to it... Don't mind me, but don't disbelieve me.

David Ibiyeomie is joyfully married to Peace Ibiyeomie, who is also a pastor by calling and they are blessed with a son, David.

Sir, we are GroupKTF celebrate with you and pray your ministry blossoms more in Jesus name!

In other news...
Shola Idowu 

On Twitter this morning, I saw something ooo... Hmmm...
Remember that lady that always looks like a man and raps better than some men too??? I'm not talking of Sasha, I'm talking of Wierd MC! I heard she's now born again and doing gospel music!
@wolexforreal's tweet says so. We shall investigate sha...
What can we say? God is gradually bringing them into the kingdom. God do more! Put flames on them and turn them to your mighty power of salvation!

Praise the Lord!

Monday 3 October 2016

Top News

Greetings Precious Saints! How's the week starting up for you? It's always hectic on Mondays for some and for some it's just there, nothing extra to do than to continue the chain of work. Well, I've got good news for you as always; cast your burdens upon Jesus, for he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. I trust the Lord who says, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28), to fulfil His Word upon your life of which he reiterates that, "He cannot lie cos his not the son of Man to do that" (Num. 23:19). So relax, God's got this!

Over the weekend a few things happened. Two great gospel musicians took another step in different directions. Whilst Nathaniel Bassey launched his album official. Kirk Franklin gave his daughter's hand In marriage. Below are pictures of the great events from Nigeria to the United States.

Let's start from the international scene...

Don't you just love it when Dads are sweetly jealous over their
Princesses? Kinda reminds of God who loves us with jealousy!
Kirk Franklin gave away his beautiful daughter, Carrington, to Maxx Nakwaasah, her college sweet heart on Saturday (Oct. 1). On his instagram account, kirkfranklin he wrote a very emotional message that got me eyes welled up with tears... hmmm... I guess that's the father-daughter thing. Congratulations to the new couples!

Next up...

Nathaniel Bassey launched his third album on Sunday 2nd of October. The Album titled "This
God is too good", features Micah Stampley, one of America's finest singer and song writer. You can make your orders for it via his website. Click here

Saturday 1 October 2016


Just in case you missed the first part, start from here
Ezekiel looked in the valley at God’s command and saw rightly again, he saw dry bones, a vast number, and God asked if they could live again, Ezekiel must have learned from others so he said, “O Lord God, thou knowest”. If you don’t know, simply say, Lord, I don’t; Don’t guess or imagine, God loves sincere people. Open people. Honest and true people. This part throws me back to Joshua and Caleb. Numbers 13:25-14:10, tells a story of 12 spies. While 10 saw men like Giants, record breaking and making people, strong and mighty, Joshua and Caleb saw people that could be conquered ‘if only the Lord delights in them’. God doesn’t really need everyone or the vast majority to believe in Him but surely wants

Tuesday 27 September 2016


God has always sought for those who would worship him with a sincere heart. One of God's favorites, actually, the man after God's heart - David, was a worshipper. He never missed a moment of true praise and honest worship. In our time we have seen worshippers and we have heard true worshippers. Praise too is a form of worship that lifts you from the troubles of life and keeps you afloat the storms.

When Jehoshaphat was threatened by the Moabites and Ammonites, God told him, put minstrels in front of the army and just praise. 2Chro. 20:1-24. In the end, they got the victory! That's the power of praise.

Sunday 25 September 2016


I do get my inspirations to write in the weirdest of place. I won’t tell you where I got this, but I tell you, this, made me think and change/channel my mind to see things through  the eyes of Faith in God and I pray you see something too - that thing that God sees.
There’s a quote I saw sometime ago and it reads thus: “we all look but see differently”. I thought over it and it was true. Apart from eye defects, our visions or sight are often times streamlined to our mind’s view. How do I mean? What you see at first view of a thing is what your mind had in its basic thought pattern or belief. Take for example, you see a beautiful house from afar and instantly what comes to your mind is that, ‘if the inside can be this lovely then, most definitely, the inside would be superb’. That’s your minds basic thought and belief but the heart break comes when on entering the house, it’s a total shadow of whatever it is you had in your mind. We all could be staring at the sky, or an art work and what we see is very different from each other. That is what we want to see.

Friday 23 September 2016

Hang on there!

Sometimes I sincerely do wish I could take away the tears, pain, sorrow, and anguish from the eyes of people. Staring out my office window I see a lady on wheelchair and watch her head bowed to the handrails, muttering something and then that heart wrenching sob just pops out… within me, I just say, “Lord, please, just do whatever it is asking of You, it’s sad enough she’s on wheelchair!” and then tears well up my eyes too.

There’s so much pain everywhere.

My friend buzzes me and she tells me she’s got no place to stay and where she is at the moment, any little things brings insults to her from her host. I feel her pain and disappointment, but what can I do? I just pray and say, “Lord, please, intervene, she serves you with her heart, just intervene…”

There’s trouble on every side.

If only I could reach out to the place of wealth I’d distribute it to all that came my way for help or felt hungry or in need. This I can do; PRAY! I don’t really know how much pain you feel at the moment, and how much lack you are going through. Never has there been a time when frustration is felt in the air as this, but like Apostle Paul, learn to say, “Nothing can separate me from the love of God! Hunger, lack, frustration, pain, sickness, death or life, angels or demons, nothing at all can take God’s place in my life!” (Rom 8:35-39)

Don’t stop speaking the Word of Faith, “for scripture saith, whosoever believe that on him shall not be ashamed”(Rom. 10:11). Remind God constantly of His promises. For those who feel they have it all, learn to give. You are not rich until your next door neighbor feels your impact (not intimidation). Life turns around, you could be in the shoe of lack in some point of your life. The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich.
To the oppressed, there is hope! To the lost, you are being searched for! To the hungry, you shall be filled! To the persecuted, Your Redemption is near! Only fix your eyes upon Jesus!


Saturday 3 September 2016


It’s Saturday morning and here in Nigeria, it’s all about weddings. Those of us familiar with the Tyler Perry movie titled "Why did I get married?" that featured actresses like Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry himself and others would remember the various scenes of black American marriages and how some people perceive marriage. The answer to that the question came from different angles. It was more like a question that was aimed at, ‘I should have just remained single, what kind of marriage is this?’ that’s another question within the question. It was a good movie in the end.

I’m not a marriage counsellor but I’m going to come from the side of the Bible on this question.

Friday 2 September 2016


It's your beloved Henry with one of his random thoughts. I was on my own, minding my mind's business then a thought came to me, "...and there is church everywhere." If you look around you, you will discover that we have churches springing up here and there even in places you least expect. Sometimes I wonder if names of churches have not been exhausted. It's a wow at the kind of names they answer too. For example: "Mountain of Jesus' Holiness, Power and Miracles Tabernacle Ministries" (a.k.a. Solution from Above Centre) Phew!!! I actually typed all that. (Disclaimer: If the name aforementioned is the name of your church, beloved, I guessed it, I didn't know).

Saturday 27 August 2016


Pastor Nathaniel Bassey speaking
At the Port-harcourt music Ministers
I'll never forget my first encounter with his song, "Someone's knocking at the door". My mom loved it back then when I was home. It was simple and very sublime with the cool voice which started the song and the lovely violinist that played the intro. I was knocked off my high horse when I then heard "Book of life".

Sunday 21 August 2016


The story of Job is a rather sad tale of a man who had it all and in the blink of an eye, it was all gone. But there is a whole list of lessons to learn from Mr. Job, (the richest man in the East). I am going to be selective about the lessons, so I'm taking one out of all of them and that is, SATAN IS LIMITED!

Friday 12 August 2016


So, I boarded a bus from Port-harcourt to Owerri to witness another history making event. Took me a stretch of 3hrs with my butt hurting like ouch! Finally I made it to the event somewhere in Nekede, Imo state. But my journey which had been boring from Port-harcourt became a lil exciting and one of the things that caught my attention was the increasing number of hotels within the state. The hotels are so much that you would be moved to ask, "who and who get to Lodge in them". It might shock you to know that every hotel we passed by had enough number of vehicles parked outside it. I wonder how lucrative the business is... Should I try it out? Nah... I got better things to do and one of them is the reason I'm here in owerri... 

Notes of Enhakkore

Honestly when I saw this title on Facebook, I was taken aback. The story behind Enhakkore comes from Samson's days as judge of Israel. With the jawbone of an ass he smote a thousand Philistines and after such a great feat, he was thirsty and God made water to come out from an hollow place that was in the jaw he had in His hand, he drank and was revived. (Judges 15:14-19) Wow!

What an awesome God!

I'm here in Owerri now, I pray I get revived... Cos that's what the concert is titled!


Nice concept!

The host are The Lord's Chosen CRM campus fellowship, Imo state chapter. Kudos to them!

Do the RAIN DANCE again!

Growing up as a kid I remember one of the days when there was heavy pouring, I and my sibs launched into the veranda and did the rain dance.... mom wasn't home and the help was out. As we danced in excitement one of

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Don't Settle For Little; You Can Have More!

If God is your Father, why don't you ask of him?
A life with purpose is a directed life. Some wish to go through life like a bird, while some others wish to go through it like an elephant. Why the comparison?

Thursday 28 July 2016


Been quite a while I wrote something here. Forgive me, a lot has been on my mind ranging from personal to societal issues. I've been good and I trust you all have been too. Our present labours and sufferings are nothing to be compared with to where we are going and the glory ahead of us; this is my hope and stay!

The topic above is one that got me thinking about the future and how to get there. It is said that 'if one were to throw stones at every barking dog, one would likely get to one's destination late or may never get there at all'. This saying is true to the last letter of the sentence. In life and as always we have our various destinies and end point. While some people are destined for greatness,

Saturday 16 July 2016


It’s a blessing sharing with you once again. A song writer says "Blessed be the Lord through my trials and all my struggles".
There is a thin line between our TRIALS and our TRIUMPHS and that is DECISION. You can either "decide" to give in after you must have struggled to the best of your ability or you "decide" to bring in the one who has overcome the greatest trials of life "Jesus Christ". Interestingly He is willing to help us overcome all of our trials, which are heavy burdens and give us triumphs (Matthew 11:28).
At the temptation of Christ, He was placed at a place of “deciding" to give in to the devil’s promises, but he chose to rebuke Him and that gave Him victory. (Matthew 4:1-10). We have to "choose" to defeat our trials, and this can happen only through the Word of God and in the place of Prayer. We equally have to remember that most of the times trials are a stepping stone to breakthroughs, other times they are deliberate; permit me to also say trials are a necessity to growing spiritually as it helps you exercise spiritual authority.

What do we do to Turn Trials to Triumphs??

Thursday 9 June 2016


        It’s very easy to ask someone to believe in him/herself. Most motivational writers and speakers love to go the path of self-realization and development. Self-realization is one thing that is very important for everybody that wants to tread where angels, kings and extra-ordinary men tread.
        To believe is to walk in faith. To believe is to accept

Monday 6 June 2016


            Nobody likes spiders not to talk of the cobwebs that it produces. Having cobwebs in your house shows that you are probably careless over your environment. In general, cobwebs simply mean dirtiness. We could go to the spiritual side of it too; anyone that often in places where it is not expected to see cobwebs around suddenly feels cobwebs covering his/her face it is a sign of demonic projection to cover such a one spiritually hence causing set-backs. But all these

Friday 3 June 2016


As I went through a post on Facebook about the cheapest way to miss a flight, something struck my heart, Rapture! We all are waiting for a great day of departure from Earth, either by death or by the Christian belief of rapture. (Rapture, a fraction of a second sudden disappearance of those who have lived their life for Jesus Christ and are spiritually listening attentively for the sound of the trumpet to be blown by the archangel).

Tuesday 31 May 2016




Paul the apostle in his messages to the church in Corinth made mention of some people being babies in the Lord, (1 Cor. 3:1). They had shallow understanding of the things pertaining the kingdom. The same applies to us today, some may argue without broad or deep understanding with regards to God's standards and ways; this is simply normal but the problem is in taking corrections. Children sometimes don't learn till they experience things.

Sunday 29 May 2016


It's very easy to say, "I AM A CHRISTIAN", but come to think of it, 'who really is a christian?' These days we have so many people declaring that they are Christians or 'BORN AGAIN' and how they have this or that salvation, yet a closer look at their personality shows quite the opposite!
There are certain evidences to show that an individual is a Christian and these evidences go beyond mere proclamation. To be a Christian there are physical evidences as well as spiritual that makes it glaring to all and sundry that an individual is not just born again but a Christ-like person.

Sunday 22 May 2016


Afy Douglas
I happened to be at Afy Douglas' Port-Harcourt Music Ministers Convention in honour of his 20th anniversary in ministry that held at Just Jesus Assembly in Port-Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria on the 30th of April 2016. In that convention, I learned so much that by the time I left there, I was not only hungry for more wisdom in the music ministry but was deeply hungry to GET MORE OF GOD!

Friday 20 May 2016

God's blessings all the way

Today, Gospel music legend Don Moen celebrates 43 years of marriage with Laura Moen in Nashville TN, USA. These days how many marriages last this long most especially in America where divorce is a normal thing. I won't stay here and draw conclusions on the reasons why but the truth is all marriages have their ups and downs and the moment a partner in the Union begins to feel he/she can't take it anymore and opts for a divorce, that partner is actually the one with the problem. Why? You have forgotten or left out someone in the marriage and that's God! With God in your family, even when the floods overwhelm you, He will hide you on the rock higher than you, and Jesus is that rock.

MARRIAGE is a great stage in life and the only institution no one graduates from except death comes. It all the depends on whose foundation you and your partner built it on and who is the centre of it all! I'm not a marriage counselor but I strongly know that with Jesus in the family, Happy Happy Home!

So, to Don and Laura Moen, I wish you long life and more of God!

Happy Anniversary!
Don &  Laura 43yrs ago @ Minneapolis

Saturday 14 May 2016

The Lord's Chosen storms Anambra state Nigeria

Barely a month after a great and awesome program in one of her open air crusades in ORLU Imo state, eastern Nigeria, the train of one of the fastest growing church in the world stops by Oraifite, Anambra state for a 2-day program titled: "God's Time to Take  Over" starting from 14-15th May, 2016. The Lord's Chosen headed by Orlu born gospel and revival preacher, Pastor Lazarus Muoka has a 10 billion souls for heaven mandate

Thursday 5 May 2016

Ron Kenoly sings in Yoruba

Its no longer news that Ron Kenoly as well as other American gospel artistes have turned to face home/Africa to get inspirations for their music. The likes of Israel Houghton and Donnie McClurkin have dome a few concerts in Africa and for each time they come around they take home one or two African lyrics and transform them to great international songs.

Monday 2 May 2016


That’s My King!!!
My King was born King. The Bible says He’s a Seven Way King. He’s the King of the Jews – that’s a racial King. He’s the King of Israel – that’s a National King. He’s the King of righteousness. He’s the King of the ages. He’s the King of Heaven. He’s the King of glory. He’s the King of kings and He is the Lord of lords.
Now that’s my King!

Thursday 28 April 2016


There are times in your life when you feel you can’t pull through or just take it anymore. I’d like to tell you that no situation is peculiar to you or anyone at all.

Sunday 24 April 2016


By Comfort Ike (KTF PH) 
"When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans"- Proverbs 29:2 (MSG).
               Africa's problems and realities are due to lack of leadership- Sanders wrote and I quote "Real leaders are in short supply; constantly, people and groups search for them. . ." The search for leaders

Breaking News: The Lord's Chosen Pastor's First son marries on low key

Probably the biggest story this year. The son of the Pastor of the fastest growing church in Africa and arguably the world, Pastor Joshua...