ome times in life, it takes
extra-ordinary grace to come out of comfort zone. Our hurt experience can put
us in the state of fear that even if we are faced with a golden opportunity we
would be too intimidated to the point where we ignore the glory ahead because
of the past. I’ve been there before and I understand if you are afraid of
taking that chance. You may have heard God clearly but fear says, ‘…but
remember what happened last time’. Fear retards you and cages you in. But Jesus
says, “if you have faith like a mustard seed…” he didn’t say like faith like a mango
seed. He only asks for a little faith, it may not be much but it’s enough.
we ask for a certain form of confirmation from God, he honours us and gives us
that sign but the fear and uncertain part of us – which is normal, still asks
for more. Let’s take for example Gideon in the bible. He was the least in his
father’s house and yet God chose him for an assignment. He asked the angel that
came to wait till he brings out his offering, the angel accepted his request
and finally when he came with it the angel did much more than just accept it,
he lit it up with fire just by touching the meat and then disappeared. That was
a confirmation to proceed with the duty. In other assignments, he kept asking
for one more sign even after a sign has been given. (Judges 6) Some would say
he wanted to be double sure, and you may be right but the angel had already
given him a peep into the future by saying, “The Lord is with you, you mighty
man of valour”. Such salutation! But Gideon started off first by complaining
rather than ask what the greeting meant.
How many
times has God given us a message and yet we see the problems around us bigger
than Him who has called? I’ve been there so many times and I guess that’s why
this is coming across to us. Take that leap right now. Whatever God has called
you to do, a small project or a gargantuan mission, all it takes is a mustard
faith, eyes closed and a mind that says, “faithful is he who has called he will
also do it”. Get up and Get out! Do that thing right now and stop asking
questions. It’s good to ask for a sign but, see what Jesus says, “Blessed are
they who believe though they’ve not seen!” Now