Saturday 3 September 2016


It’s Saturday morning and here in Nigeria, it’s all about weddings. Those of us familiar with the Tyler Perry movie titled "Why did I get married?" that featured actresses like Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry himself and others would remember the various scenes of black American marriages and how some people perceive marriage. The answer to that the question came from different angles. It was more like a question that was aimed at, ‘I should have just remained single, what kind of marriage is this?’ that’s another question within the question. It was a good movie in the end.

I’m not a marriage counsellor but I’m going to come from the side of the Bible on this question.
From the inception of marriage by God, the first reason why God gave man a woman is because, ‘it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him’. (Gen. 2:18). Companionship is the first priority reason why God made man a woman. I asked my friend that wants to get married sometime this year the same question and guess his answer, “because of my ministry” (he’s a pastor tho). But is that meant to be a good reason to get a lady tied to you forever?
I’ve read and listened to so many great messages on marriage. Here’s my take on this question. Getting married is one of the best way to describe the kind of relationship God wants with us. In marriage, the lady no longer bears her name but that of the husband’s. She no longer owns her body or make decisions without her husband’s consent. Her will becomes his will. All she wants to do is be of best support, help and comfort to the man. That too applies to us and God. He seeks a church without spot or wrinkle. He seeks a relationship where He is our priority. A union where all you do is to please him and love him not under duress but with all your heart and your soul. I think that’s what every man wants of a woman. Marriage is not all about the woman’s submission but the man’s ability to protect her, love her (feed her emotional hunger), give her all she needs and never let go of her!

God wants people to get married to do one other thing, be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. In God’s terms I don’t think birth control applies here. But he didn’t say we should give birth like chickens, at least Adam didn’t give birth to 10 children. Replenish is more like giving back to the environment where you took from. Fruitful means to produce something that can produce more and be a blessing. Multiply, it’s simple, continue to be fruitful and continue replenishment! Fruitfulness is not just about giving birth and having all the goodies of marriage. It transcends beyond what we know of its meaning. God gave man the power and ability to replicate character, traits of himself and in this simple command, all marriages as designed by God is meant to be one that produces seeds of righteousness and holiness. Seeds that have the ability to manufacture more seeds. God's design is such that puts so much priority on building the home because if the home front is not yielding good fruit, the society suffers. Fruitful marriages are characterized by the presence of God.
From left to rigt: Eucharia, Daniel Alfred, Deborah Tryon,
The latest couple, Henry Chizoba, U-Mark
(members of GroupKTF)

Marriage is one journey that only death ends and the only Institution that  has no convocation! Designed by God, you bet it has a lot of rules and regulations. I’m no marriage expert so I’m not gonna cross my boundaries. People make a living by counselling people on marriage, doing it for free would be, not a bad idea but, I won’t. Hahaha…

So I ask you – the married, “why did you get married?” and to the unmarried, “why do you want to get married?” drop your answers in the comment box below…

Delivered as promised, I dedicate this piece to the latest couple in town, former Miss Efosa E. Osahun and Mr. Miracle Uzodimma. I wish you both the best marriage ever! They have the best reasons why they got married. Don’t ask me, it’s their little secret!



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