Friday 23 September 2016

Hang on there!

Sometimes I sincerely do wish I could take away the tears, pain, sorrow, and anguish from the eyes of people. Staring out my office window I see a lady on wheelchair and watch her head bowed to the handrails, muttering something and then that heart wrenching sob just pops out… within me, I just say, “Lord, please, just do whatever it is asking of You, it’s sad enough she’s on wheelchair!” and then tears well up my eyes too.

There’s so much pain everywhere.

My friend buzzes me and she tells me she’s got no place to stay and where she is at the moment, any little things brings insults to her from her host. I feel her pain and disappointment, but what can I do? I just pray and say, “Lord, please, intervene, she serves you with her heart, just intervene…”

There’s trouble on every side.

If only I could reach out to the place of wealth I’d distribute it to all that came my way for help or felt hungry or in need. This I can do; PRAY! I don’t really know how much pain you feel at the moment, and how much lack you are going through. Never has there been a time when frustration is felt in the air as this, but like Apostle Paul, learn to say, “Nothing can separate me from the love of God! Hunger, lack, frustration, pain, sickness, death or life, angels or demons, nothing at all can take God’s place in my life!” (Rom 8:35-39)

Don’t stop speaking the Word of Faith, “for scripture saith, whosoever believe that on him shall not be ashamed”(Rom. 10:11). Remind God constantly of His promises. For those who feel they have it all, learn to give. You are not rich until your next door neighbor feels your impact (not intimidation). Life turns around, you could be in the shoe of lack in some point of your life. The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich.
To the oppressed, there is hope! To the lost, you are being searched for! To the hungry, you shall be filled! To the persecuted, Your Redemption is near! Only fix your eyes upon Jesus!


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