Sunday 25 September 2016


I do get my inspirations to write in the weirdest of place. I won’t tell you where I got this, but I tell you, this, made me think and change/channel my mind to see things through  the eyes of Faith in God and I pray you see something too - that thing that God sees.
There’s a quote I saw sometime ago and it reads thus: “we all look but see differently”. I thought over it and it was true. Apart from eye defects, our visions or sight are often times streamlined to our mind’s view. How do I mean? What you see at first view of a thing is what your mind had in its basic thought pattern or belief. Take for example, you see a beautiful house from afar and instantly what comes to your mind is that, ‘if the inside can be this lovely then, most definitely, the inside would be superb’. That’s your minds basic thought and belief but the heart break comes when on entering the house, it’s a total shadow of whatever it is you had in your mind. We all could be staring at the sky, or an art work and what we see is very different from each other. That is what we want to see.

In God’s Kingdom, God expects us to see what he sees. And this is only through the eyes of Faith! As I thought over this topic when the Lord laid it in my heart, more inspirations came to me and as I reflected over the scriptures, I found out that God was always asking us or those he communed with, “WHAT DO YOU SEE?”
God asked Abram to look up and see all that he has kept back for him just after Lot had parted with him. Abram would most definitely see a vast land and be wowed by it but he didn’t know what God had in mind until God said, “I will give you all of it!” God went on to say, “Arise, walk through the land in the length and breadth of it for I will give it to you”. (Gen. 13:14-17). I don’t think that was what Abram thought initially. My question now is, “What is God showing you? And what are you seeing?” Are you seeing like Abram, a failed family relationship? A broken home? A business loss? God is showing you something else. View from the eyes of Faith! God did the calling and asking, even if you don’t see anything, like the blind man, cry out, “Help my unbelief!” God knows you’re human so he’ll be merciful and show you that thing he wants you to see.

I’m going to stick to very major points here because, what God showed people in the Bible and even now is quite voluminous to detail out. Let’s review Moses, he saw something too.

In Exodus 3:1-22, Moses, saw the bush that burned without being consumed. Moses was curious about it and drew near. He was seeing a mystery but in the later part of the chapter he became a messenger with a message from the mystery. Again, when we draw near to a thing we don’t understand happening around us, God uses those strange things around us to open our eyes to a bigger picture. Moses was born a deliverer, something that was intricate and related to his name. If you see a mystery, draw near and get a message. You may not understand all you have to do is look through the eyes of Faith, it’s not as you see, it is God’s mystery, allow him to explain it to you. If Moses had run away, he wouldn’t have rescued Israel. Same to you, don’t run when you see the mystery, draw near and get the message.

Next up is Elijah. The powerful man of God who prayed and withheld rain for 3 and half years, brought fire from heaven. After his contest on Mount Carmel, he asked his servant to go and look towards the sea, “WHAT DO YOU SEE?” honestly, I wouldn’t see anything other than the obvious which was the sea (at least I know water is there) but our dear servant saw nothing. Elijah sent him seven times and at the seventh visit, he saw a small cloud like that of a man. The clouds had no rain and a small cloud like a man’s hand was nothing to be yippy about but, Elijah told him to tell Ahab to prepare his chariot so that the rain doesn’t stop him.(1Kings 18:43-44). Elijah didn’t have to wait till a giant cloud filled the sky before saying it was about to rain. Elijah saw from the view point of God but his servant saw as a man. What have you been praying about? You may not be seeing it but look closely, there is a sign coming your way, it’s there like that of a man’s hand, it’s God’s hand bringing in the rain in form of08  answers to your prayers. Never lose hope or sight of the God you know. He answered by fire, He’ll yet answer by water.

It’s a popular phrase, “like father like son”. Elijah was Elijah’s prodigy and received a double portion of his master’s anointing because he saw Elijah being taken up! In 2Kings 6:15-17, the Syrians encompassed Elisha and his servant, as a human he was afraid and reported to the master, his master’s words were simple, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them”. OK, I get it, by faith right? To boost his confidence in his words, Elisha asked God to show his servant what he just said, and believe me, the sight of it would be wow! We could be hard pressed on every side, troubled here and there, but God has a bigger thing around us. We could be afraid, but he says, “fear not”. Fear replaces faith in many these days but God says, “I am with thee, much more than what you see and those behind what you see!”

What God wants us to see is mostly prophetic and is more faith circled than physical. I mean, we are expected to apply faith in whenever God asks us to look. Jeremiah was asked the same question, “WHAT DO YOU SEE?”. In Jeremiah 1:11-16, he looked and saw rightly. That’s a breakthrough, those we’ve reviewed above either saw nothing or didn’t know what to expect from looking, but here, Jeremiah saw rightly (vs. 12). It could be that you’ve seen rightly but there’s always a ‘but’. That ‘but’ is, you’ve not believed or you feel too little to fit into that sight. God did the calling and showing, not you, let God do His thing. There is or are times when you just need to trust God and allow him use you. If you’ve seen rightly don’t believe wrongly. God is your source!
to be continued...

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