Thursday 28 April 2016


There are times in your life when you feel you can’t pull through or just take it anymore. I’d like to tell you that no situation is peculiar to you or anyone at all.
You may be going through temptations, (God will not let you go through what you can’t handle, but will with each temptation make a way of escape, 1Cor 10:13). You may be lacking finance, (but Jabez was more honourable than his brethren… he asked God to enlarge his territory and God did, 1Chro. 4:9-10). You may be down trodden, (Jesus said, come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laddened and I will give you rest… Matt. 11:28). You may be lacking self-confidence, (do not be afraid of their faces… the Lord is he who goes before you… the Holy Spirit will tell you what to say… Jer. 1:8, Deu. 1:29-30, Luke 12:12). Not motivated, scared or uncertain about your next step in life, (…and David strengthened/encouraged himself in the Lord his God, 1Sam 30:6).

 Strength cannot be found in man or whatever we do (though some will argue otherwise), those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, mount on wings like eagles, soar and never get tired (Isa. 40:29-31). Get back to your source! God is your source, (in him we move and have our being… in him do we consist, Acts 17:28, Col. 1:17). Never allow what you see around you to take the better part of you. if you don’t go through challenges, trials, persecutions, temptations at home, work, school, and wherever you find yourself, then you need to check your life very well, because even in the kingdom of heaven and that of darkness perfection is sort for until achieved; we are not excluded.

 Look on the bright side of life. Storms come our way as a test of how strong our sails are as we sail through the course of life. At times like these when the economy is hard, everything is difficult as each minute passes by, wars here and there, premature deaths, man’s inhumanity to man, hate, pain, betrayals and all the evils you can name, there is hope in the promise of the cross and this hope is an anchor for the soul (Heb. 6:18-19). Take your walk with God a little bit closer and never let go of his hands.
Live in total obedience and surrender to his will and purpose for your life. You can make it! If the people of old from bible records and even in our present day can, who says you can’t. Take a close look at a mirror, the image you see reflecting is the only person that can stop you! ”In you is the key to strength; in His word is the source of Greater Strength!”

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