Thursday 9 June 2016


        It’s very easy to ask someone to believe in him/herself. Most motivational writers and speakers love to go the path of self-realization and development. Self-realization is one thing that is very important for everybody that wants to tread where angels, kings and extra-ordinary men tread.
        To believe is to walk in faith. To believe is to accept
that someone is telling the truth. The truth is that you are more than what you think you are. What you are is the image of God. And who is God? God is the maker of heaven, earth and all within and without it, (Gen. 1:1-31). Though we lost the original image of God and became the image of Adam, (Gen 5:1, 2), we were restored to our original image through the new man. Who is the new man?  Jesus is the new man. Since our birth is in the flesh and in the flesh we are Adamic, by believing in Jesus, we are now made new again, in the likeness of God! And who is God? God is a Spirit, (John 4:24). How do we know Him? By knowing Jesus through whom we receive access by the Holy Spirit, enabling us to cry out ‘Abba Father!’ revealing Him to us, (John 16:13, Rom. 8:14-15) Who is Jesus? He is the son of God. He was with God in the beginning. He was the Word via which all things that was made was made, (John 1:1-3, Col. 1:15-17). He came in the flesh, died and rose, ascended into heaven, sent us the Holy Spirit who convicts us of our sins and helps us to pray; relating us to God the Father!
        How do we get all these packages? By BELIEVING! (John 1:12). Sometimes these things are somewhat hard to believe but hold on, why is easier to believe that the devil can kill you and very difficult to believe that God can heal you? Why is it easy to believe that you are a sinner and an uphill task to believe that you are righteous in Christ? We are surrounded by negatives on all sides but that is no excuse to debunk the reality that we are made new only by accepting Jesus by faith! To believe is to have faith in the finished work on the cross of Calvary. The devil can go about to pride himself as lord over your finance, academics, life and every other area, but Jesus said, I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly, (John 10:10b).
Personally, I don’t care what/who the devil is in your life right now, I have a father in heaven who made EVERYTHING - INCLUDING SATAN and He is in-charge of every single thing in my life. “If you believe in God, then why are you the way you are?” “If you believe in God, tell us, why has he left you to suffer loss, death, failure, setbacks and all the evils in this world”. These and many more may be the questions people ask you or you ask yourself. Let me tell you something, “OUR GOD DOESN’T COME LATE, HE COMES LATER; TO MAKE HIS MIRACLE THE LATEST!” YES! THAT’S THE GOD WE SERVE!

“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against them: …this is my covenant with them (you and I), saith the Lord; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth… forever” (Isa. 59:19, 21).

        God has given you power to do so much but we have failed in our part to believe in His power. Why is that? Is it because He didn’t ask you to bring this or that for sacrifice? Is it because he doesn’t use the fear tactics?
NEWSFLASH! God is greater than the devil you fear. The devil with all his God-allowed power couldn’t have invented hell, (Matt. 25:41). He couldn’t dare make the earth to open and swallow up people, (Num. 16:31-33). He couldn’t dare keep the red sea apart when his boys chased down the Israelites, (Exo. 14:21-28). He wouldn’t dare bring down fire from heaven, (1Kings 18:21-39). He was too scared to lock the gates of hell when it was time for Jesus to leave the grave, (Acts 2:24, 1Cor. 15:55, Rev. 1:18). He doesn’t have the guts to stop the gospel, (Matt. 16:18). He doesn’t have the power to cast anyone into hell, (Luke 12:5). He doesn’t have the balls to shut a door God has opened for you, (Rev. 3:7). He doesn’t have the power to heal or make alive, (1Sam. 2:6). His power is limited. God is above all and in all! Hallelujah!
        Switch your faith from the power of the now to the power of the now and forever more – God’s power! What you believe is what you are. Who you believe is who will work for you. If you don’t believe in something, Satan will make you believe anything. If you haven’t been believing, start believing now, because ‘the FEARFUL and UNBELIEVING will be cast into the lake of fire’, (Rev. 21:8).
        I had a chat with a friend and he said, “Pastor, how far? Hope you are praying for sinners like me, we are all sinners”. I told him, “I beg to differ my good friend, I am no longer a sinner, I may have been then, but now, I am set free by the perfect law of liberty and by the washing of the water and baptism of the Spirit I am now made righteous; hence, I am righteous!” The same applies to every true child of God that calls him/herself a believer! Disconnect yourself from the negatives and accept that you are now after the likeness of God. When the enemy begins to accuse you, say to him, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” (1John 4:4). Tell him, “let no man trouble me for I bear on me the mark of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:17). Remind him, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it”. (Col. 2:15) Don’t stop saying, “I have been bought with a price” (1Cor. 7:23). And always give him the technical knockout of his existence, “…and the devil was cast into the lake of fire to be destroyed forever.” (Rev. 20:10). Haha! Such victory in Jesus! Oh Sweet Jesus! If you believe, only if you believe, all things are possible! All you need do is read the Word of God and experience a brand new and refreshing dimension of God every day!

Join the chariot of believers today and begin to manifest! If you haven’t met Jesus, do so now by praying in the words of MEET JESUS. See you next time

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