Tuesday 31 May 2016




Paul the apostle in his messages to the church in Corinth made mention of some people being babies in the Lord, (1 Cor. 3:1). They had shallow understanding of the things pertaining the kingdom. The same applies to us today, some may argue without broad or deep understanding with regards to God's standards and ways; this is simply normal but the problem is in taking corrections. Children sometimes don't learn till they experience things.
For example a child sees a candle lit, he's curious to know what it is, the mom may warn and warn but when the child sees the mother turn away, he goes for the candle and gets burned. In the same vein, there are many believers that reason very shallow and are easily turned from the truth and taught falsities and accept them because of their low understanding.
These ones have grown but are exploring their faith, they rise and fall, sometimes misled or totally confused. It's perfectly normal to be curious because, one is open to new ideas and if properly guided will grow to become matured. Just like the Bereans who made research to see if what they heard were correct or false. (Acts 17:11)
They belong to a local church and will just attend and go home without nothing to give or readiness to receive. Neither hot nor cold, (Revelations 3:15). They answer Christians because it their religion whereas Christian is a lifestyle and not a ritual to be observed. Anything goes.
They observe all the laws, do all the rites, enforce the disciplinary measures are quick to remind you how you have not lived up to standards. Within them they feel right with God but its just zeal without knowledge, (Romans 10:2-4). They end up painting the wrong image of the church and what Christ stands for. Self-righteous and imperfectly perfect. They are the virus within the body of Christ which I call, "mai-church" virus (pronounced my church). They are the ones that divide the church with laws and make communion with the saints difficult. For example, a deeply religious catholic Christian dare not sit in the same pew in strongly charismatic church because he feels these people have a flaw somewhere in their mode of worship. This has killed the unity of faith in the body of Christ.
There are those who have been totally transformed in heart and have the mind of Christ. These people were the ones that were first called Christians because they were so much like Christ. Their actions were like Jesus', no compromise, no falsities but all round Christ-like nature. (Acts 11:26) They are disciples of Christ in manner, speech and all that Christ portrayed. They all had an encounter with Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit. A close look at their lives showed that there was something different about them, they weren't the usual kind of people. Perfectly like Jesus Christ!
In the world today we have people in these categories but the major concern is the percentage of Strong and True Christians in the body of Christ is smaller than the rest. If the fruits of the spirit were in all of us we wouldn't have someone looking like a harlot call herself a Christian. We wouldn't have a man with dreads on his head and earrings on his ears, looking like some unbeliever standing the stage and shouting praise the Lord! We now have diluted Christians. People who are afraid to make mention of Christ's name. While some may do, but their lives tell a different story.
Of a truth we all strive to perfection as Christians, that doesn't mean we should take a century to live out what we believe in. Christianity is practicality. It's an act that comes from the Spirit of God within us.
Let us rise to the challenge and become CHRISTIANS, Ambassadors for Him, (2 Corinthians 5:20, "Now then we are AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God".

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