Thursday 28 July 2016


Been quite a while I wrote something here. Forgive me, a lot has been on my mind ranging from personal to societal issues. I've been good and I trust you all have been too. Our present labours and sufferings are nothing to be compared with to where we are going and the glory ahead of us; this is my hope and stay!

The topic above is one that got me thinking about the future and how to get there. It is said that 'if one were to throw stones at every barking dog, one would likely get to one's destination late or may never get there at all'. This saying is true to the last letter of the sentence. In life and as always we have our various destinies and end point. While some people are destined for greatness,
others are... well... not made for the greatness route. One major factor that sets up the great and the less is PRIORITY. What is Priority? A dictionary puts it this way, 'A goal of a person or an organization'. That's the meaning of it by the definers of the word. I see priority as WHAT HOLDS GREAT IMPORTANCE IN YOUR LIFE AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING YOU. My question to you now is, what holds greater IMPORTANCE in your life?

To the married, their priority is their family.
To the single, their priority varies from doing something to become someone to doing something to become a part of another man's dream.
To the church, soul winning and grooming souls for heaven.
To the world, doing all it can to keep people busy with nothing but themselves.

There are many more. But our priority as God's creation is to fulfil purpose! Let's take our major cue from Jesus. 33 years of life on earth but in those 3 years of ministry out of the 30 years, he was able to do what took lifetimes of many prophets and others to do and he did a perfect work! He had priority and his primary purpose was to save man. He said, "My Father worketh hitherto, I must work... My Father has not left me for I do always those things that please Him". That's priority in its fullest form and meaning.

What we have today are people doing the wrong things at the wrong time and never realizing it until it's too late. We may live 120 years on earth but will you have a good record to bear as witness for your long years on earth? Today I implore you to set your priorities right. Do what you are supposed to do. Go where you are supposed to. Be who you were created to be. There is nothing more encouraging and fulfilling than for one to discover his purpose and capitalize on it to create a desirable future for himself and generation unborn. We see people trying to be what they are not forgetting that we all have different scripts to act out as designed by our Script writer (God) in His Scriptures. Working/walking out of line in God's plan for your life will end up being a journey in a circle.

Like we'd say at the end of every debate when we were in primary and secondary school debate club, "I hope with this few points of mine I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that PRIORITY saves time and gets you to your destination in record time."

God bless you!

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