Tuesday 23 February 2016


The message you're about to read was written sometime 2012. David is an example of a man who experienced God and was never afraid to declare Him to his foes!


"Champions are people who defy all human limits to bring to the fore things that seem so impossible."

"In the midst of fear they see nothing worth stopping them."

"To them possibility is NOT an option its a MUST!"

It is often said that all men are born equal but some are more equal than others. Actually, we are really gifted as is said in the book of 1Cor. 12:7-11, but as it was written, "ONE SPIRIT BUT DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS". As a popular advert would say, "IT'S IN YOU!” What you have to do is to stir it up just like Apostle Paul told his son Timothy in 2Tim 1:6.

Youths have been known to be hero worshippers. That's why today many have chosen to follow worldly and immoral people as their heroes. But in the bible we have so many heroes worth emulating and one of such heroes is the man... DAVID; "THE MAN AFTER GOD'S HEART!" He was one person who was able to stir up his spirit to his full potential.

David was the son of Jesse; the Bethlehemite. David is described in two phases in the bible.
Before the anointing; he was described as ruddy, (as in, he had red hair), with bright eyes, and good-looking. He was a shepherd boy. A psalmist and a harpist. The last son of his father.
After the anointing; his attributes increased and improved, he became a skillful harpist, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, a handsome person; and most of all, the Lord was with him.

He wasn't idle as at the time of his calling and anointing. In other words, he was doing something, he didn't allow his youthfulness to get the better of him, he used all he had to serve his father, even as a shepherd boy! How many of us today have such diligence and humility? For David, he didn't see it (his being anointed) as an opportunity to relax; rather he saw it as a greater and more powerful opportunity to do more. He exploited the anointing poured on him by Samuel.

Let's read and see how he got the anointing and the exploits that followed.

Israel's king, Saul had sinned against God by a single act of disobedience. God needed a more loyal man. God wasn't looking for a tall handsome man with broad shoulders and all the manly attributes as He said in 1Sam. 16:7 …He was looking at 'the HEART'.
God sent Samuel to Bethlehem and when Samuel got to Jesse's house, he met with Jesse and he made all seven of his sons pass by him. And to him all of them possessed the quality which Samuel felt was good for a king to have, until God made this comment, "...Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature;...for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." (1Sam. 16:7 KJV). What God wanted was a DAVID!
David's anointing was not ordinary. When he was to be anointed he wasn't available but out, doing his father's business. Reading from the bible, Samuel had to ask if there was another son because he was sure of where God sent him. It was then that Jesse remembered David. Can you imagine? Samuel then said to Jesse- David's father, "Send and bring him. For we will not sit till he comes here" (1Sam. 16:11b NKJV). David's honor started right from God! As soon as David stepped in God told Samuel, "Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!" (1Sam.16:12)". Recall, Samuel said they would not sit till David came, so, how come God said “Arise”? Samuel was a prophet and whenever prophets prophesied the Spirit of God rose on them to speak through them. As David came in God stood up to anoint David. ‘The Spirit of God has a potential that's why He pours Himself on us’. So it was in the case of David. As Samuel poured the oil on David's head- in the presence of his family - "...the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward." (1Sam. 16:13 NKJV).

I speak to you today, that, 'God and the Host of heaven will not sit till He pours out His anointing on you no matter where you are! Until you come, your blessings will not be diverted. You shall receive what is yours!'

After the anointing guess what David did? He went back to where he was, to the sheep. While he was there he didn't dream about the anointing because he knew he had it on him! He didn't ignore his father's business, he improved himself! He was passionate about his father's business to the point he wouldn't let one of his father's sheep to be eaten or stolen by wild animals! These were the qualities prior to his being anointed he had for which God decided to choose him to shepherd his people.
So, for you to be used you must possess the following;

Diligence, Discipline,
Interest, Intimate passion and,

Before we go on, take a look at the first letters of the qualities highlighted above, add them up, what do they spell? They spell 'DAVID'. Wow! Such wonderful qualities for a profile!

To be continued... 

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