Saturday 20 February 2016



The phoenix - a mythical bird, is known to have the power to regenerate into a brand new bird from the ashes of its predecessor. In Greek mythology , a phoenix is a long - lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun,
a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix was subsequently adopted as a symbol in Early Christianity. While the phoenix typically dies by fire in most versions of the legend, there are less popular versions of the myth in which the mythical bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. According to some legends, the phoenix could live over 1400 years before rebirth. In the historical record, the phoenix "could symbolize renewal in general as well as the sun, time, the empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man, and certain aspects of Christian life".
Before I knew about the origin and story of this bird, I personally took interest in it because of this very special ability of it being able to recreate a new life force from its own ashes. If these creatures as purported can be able to do this, how about we that are made in the image of God? The Bible says that our Father in Heaven knows the number of the strands of hair on our head and would gladly do anything for us. (Matt. 10:30-31; 6:25-34).
Many are wallowing in sin, trying to make it by strength, decaying and decomposing in their state of delusion, trapped-in by Satan and his cohorts, limited to the now and cut off from the future. Unable to take a stand and firm resolve to uphold the power given to them, (they do not even know they have power because Satan has told them he is their redemption to cheap power) - the power of creation. God made man and gave him dominion over every single living creature. That power is still there but how many can access it? It makes God angry when His people, His most priced creation- MAN, fail to take charge when He has already said, "I give my Angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways, to bear you up, you shall tread upon lions, poisonous snakes, and dragons". (Ps 91:11-13). Fear of the unknown has taken over the heart of men. We no longer have dominion because of the events at the garden of eden. (Gen. 3). Sold out but not without hope as God remedied a way out of the den where our sins had kept us. He said, He will restore the years that the enemy had consumed. (Joel 2:25-27).
The possibility of rising from the ashes is only by the acknowledgement of our sins and a genuine and total repentance and forsaking of it. The day is come and now it is, for us to arise out of our deep slumber (Prov. 6:9), break up our follow ground (Hos. 10:12), set aside all besetting sins (Heb. 12:1), take our position in the circle of life, pull down kingdom and barriers to our manifestation. Enough of this rubbish whereby the devil mesmerizes us and makes us feel worthless! I don't know about you but I can't take this any more. It is high-time that the kingdom of darkness begins to respect who we are. Yes, he trapped us with sin but there is redemption in Jesus Christ! Satan thought he had the last of Jesus but my Master was just too Hot to be handled and too Cold to hold! He arose from the ashes of hell with victory over all shades of life. The Bible said, "they have provoked me to jealousy, they have provoked the Holy one to anger and He will arise and execute vegeance. (Zech. 1:14-15, Ezek. 25:17). The devil has no right any more since Jesus has paid it all with His blood and He has said it now, it is time to arise out of the ashes of shame, sin, mediocrity, fear, weakness, failure and all of Satan's bonds. (Isa. 61:1-5).Yes, we had no knowledge but now our eyes are opened to the truth. There is definitely no way I can praise Him while in ashes, so now I am trading these ashes for beauty so I can praise Him in the beauty of Holiness! (Ps. 29:2)
Dear reader, I speak faith into you, 'you are more than what you think of yourself!' if only you can pick up your Bible and read and pray accordingly. Acquaint yourself with the Lord. (Job 22:21-23). One thing the devil is good at is to make you feel worthless, useless and hopeless but I tell you, the devil is a whimp when you recognize Jesus as Master and Lord of all! The devil is afraid when you stand up to his face and remind him of his devastating future. Make the devil tremble by giving Jesus your life and trading your ashes for beauty! There is greatness in my DNA! I come from an indestructible bloodline! Jesus disarmed Satan and all His powers on the cross and made a way for my escape! (Col. 2:10-15). I am no longer bound by his yokes because whoever the Lord set free is free indeed. (John 8:36). I wish I could explain it all to you but words will fail me. I know who I am! (1Pet. 2:9). I am bought with a price. (1Cor. 7:23). My life is not under the dictates of Satan! I am God's incarnate (Ps. 82:6). Let no man trouble me for I bear on my face the mark of my Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal. 6:17).
Do you want to join the Frequency of champions? Do you want what I have? Do want the same greatness to flow through your veins? Jesus makes the difference and today I implore you to take a ride with Him, He makes the journey a memorable one. He alone can raise you from the ashes and give you beauty!

I HAVE GREATNESS IN MY DNA! What about you? 

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