Sunday 28 February 2016


What would you do if one morning you wake  up and find out that your brother or sister or child or parents or anyone you know decides never to put on clothes and becomes stack naked?! Shocked right? Well, I'd like to inform you that we are gradually getting there... Here's a letter from a friend who was awestruck
when he discovered that same things he feared were already happening to his beloved...

Dearly Beloved,
 I am so glad and grateful to God for his mercies upon your life and it is my good pleasure to write these words to you. It has been my wish to tell you how well I am doing over here; I am only kept my His mercies because his mercies endures forever. Hallelujah!
 Amidst all of God’s graciousness, I have witnessed, I have experienced and my heart broken, the other things that have become a form of tradition to you such that you have lost the values that you were brought up with. A lot has changed these days and many of those whom I thought would stand were the ones who fell first out of grace. My heart weeps because if there is a season to be careless, it definitely is not this season!
 I know right now you seem lost at the words I use; that is the gravity of the issue at hand. I look out the window over here and all I see is believers scampering for the same things that unbelievers seek (Matt. 6:32), forgetting that we are but pilgrims in this world and our home calls us and our Father earnestly expects us home soon (Heb. 11:13-16).
In my heart I wished to write to you about the decline of morals over here but on hearing that you have now been driven by the wind of these last days, I wept and sought for comfort but wherever I turned to, I was turned down because no one understood my tears. Why have you become like one of those unbelievers who have no hope, who are lost in a world seeking for redemption? Do you not know that we are the hope of these lost souls? Why try so hard to be like them knowing that they are looking for a way out of their sinful lives and woes? Why emulate those who want to break free from the chains of satan who has bound them and made them candidates of hell? Are you not supposed to rescue them? Why lock horns with the devil such that you want to compete with the world when our home is waiting for us to come fill its emptiness?

The people in the world want out but you are struggling, trying so hard to enter into bondage; have you become so foolish! (Gal. 3:1-4)
Oh! That your eyes were opened to the cry of our Master Jesus Christ whom you have misrepresented here on earth.
Here you are changing your dressing to that of a harlot, for even the harlot dresses better; you are more like a mentally demented fellow: torn clothes?! All in the name of fashion? Why? Your clothes made for your covering have been thrown away and your rags made for the dustbin have been washed and worn on your body. You walk naked in the name of fashion; what is bum-short? Is your body no longer of value that you now stand in public with your breasts exposed for all to see in the name of looking smart?
I fear for you these days, when the world is running to the church and the church is running to the world not to win them over to Christ but to be like them! The world is choking the church and the church is no longer gasping for breath but enjoying the suffocation.
Your morality is dying and almost dead and yet you see nothing wrong in watching pornography and acting it out. You see nothing wrong in having sex with anyone who wants it from you. Men of all kinds come into you, deposit and walk away and there you are saying, “Everybody is doing it”. May I ask you, “are you everybody?” have you forgotten that “you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people that; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy?
Your body is littered with filth and rubbish, spoilt out of shape by all the various paintings making you look like a masquerade; now wearing a mask rather than your natural self. What has happened to your decency?
Over here, men lay with men, women with women, man with beast and immorality has clouded the hearts of men. Parents can’t talk to their kids and they listen; fathers have no love for their children, children disobey at will and we go ahead to say, “na so we see am o”. Rom. 1:18-32.
Our morals have fallen, we are in a state of confusion, we no longer know what to do, we seem to allow everything to pass and do nothing about it. Everybody wants to live their lives at the detriment of their fellow humans. Nobody cares! I could go out to the street and see a lady dressed but undressed and trying to correct her, she would rather insult me and you would walk on by and pretend not to see what I am seeing and when you get to say a word, you ask me, “is it your business?”
Your hairs are kept bushy like a mad man’s hair and you call it swag. Your trousers are torn at the knee, they find it hard to hang on your waist, making you walk like a child that has defecated on his clothe; then you tell me, “that’s what’s up”. Let me tell you what’s up, time is up! Now is your salvation nearer than when you first began!
Arise my beloved, time be no more, now is our salvation nearer than when we first began! Arise! Shake off the dust! Turn your plowshares into spears. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against satan and his evil cohorts!
Be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. This is the wrongest time to backslide! (Permit my grammar)
I could go on and on, but my time is limited; your other brothers and sisters are waiting to hear from me. In all, be strong and courageous, bold as a lion and fearless as a tiger, the winds will blow but let your anchor hold within the vale. Hold the fort!
Keep the Faith

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