Friday 26 February 2016


Last time on my blog I wrote about this young man that really inspired me about the way we ought to see God and magnify Him in our little way or big way
as we shall soon read... Happy reading!


David's ministry didn't begin immediately but it started at the appointed time. Most times, we as children of God just can't wait or hold on till the set time. Once it has been revealed to us that we have been given a ministry or have been anointed we just want to start doing something whereas God wants us to wait till the appointed time. The Yoruba say, 'sa ré wolè, sa ré jadé', ‘rush in, rush out’. That's what happens to any impatient Christian.
David's ministry started thus; recall that after the anointing he went back to the bush with the sheep. {Point of note, when David was anointed king, after God rejected Saul, there was a transfer of power. The Spirit of leadership left Saul and rested on David. Saul was then given a distressing Spirit only music could calm}. Saul was still king but he was empty. God had it all planned out. He couldn't stand Saul's disobedience to simple instruction and pride. So while Saul was distressed, in the entire kingdom, only one man was fit to play the right tunes to calm Saul's spirit and that was David, because God had anointed him with the right tune. He had been appointed by God, what was left was a simple recommendation.

'For you to move forward, someone has to move or step aside so you can progress'.

That was exactly David and Saul's scenario! Saul made a mistake so that God could replace him with David. By divine arrangement Saul needed a harpist whose melody could calm his distressed spirit; there were many harpists in Israel but only one had the tune... DAVID. So by recommendation of one of the servants, David was ordered for, by the King. And immediately Saul saw David, he loved him greatly! (1Sam. 16:21)
Note this, the anointing has effects,
1. It makes you different,
2. It makes you powerful,
3. It makes you beautiful.
Saul couldn't resist David to the point that David not only stood before him and played, but he became Saul's armor bearer. David was so irresistible that Saul asked David's father to allow David to stand before him. Why? Because, David found favor in Saul's eyes. That's the result of the anointing! Saul needed David; David's tune was Saul's cure!

Let me explain something. In you is the spirit of a champion! You are uniquely created and designed for excellence! Your worth is more than you can imagine! God has placed in us all, something that someone else needs and the more you delay the more the person dies. The earlier you discover your purpose for existence the better for you and your generation and the people you were meant to affect! Don't wait for a special angel to come and tell you what to do! The only thing you need to do is to be born again and ask God to take full possession of you! God just wants you to ask Him. The more you think you can do it on your own the more you kick against His will!

Back to our Champion… David.

God always creates a scene for Him to prove His power and choice. The set time for David to become what God wanted him to be finally came. And that time was the time of Goliath. Goliath was the reigning champion. Israel went out to battle with the Philistines,(I don’t know why they always fight).
As usual Saul was to lead the people to battle, but he couldn’t face this one. When the anointing leaves you, you become an empty vessel. This was Saul's condition.
There have been battles in Israel many of which Saul has led and conquered even against Israel’s sworn enemy the Philistines. This battle wasn't any different save for the fact that there was a new champion amongst the Philistines. But God had a counter champion amongst the Israelites, not Saul, not his choicest nor finest riders nor front men nor his most valiant men was God's champion; it was none other than the shepherd boy, DAVID!

From the description of the Philistine champion, he was a giant... Let's see his full profile.

Name: Goliath of Gath
Height: 3.2metres or 10'6"(10ft. 6inches). Virtually a giant!
Armor dimensions: bronze helmet, coat of mail, (An armored coat made of chain mail, interlinked rings, or overlapping metal plates.), weight of the coat- 57.1kg (7.1kg heavier than a bag of rice), bronze shin guard for his legs, bronze javelin, staff of his spear like a weaver's beam with an iron spearhead weighing 6.85kg. He had a shield bearer.
Years of experience: a man of war from his youth.

How about that for a warrior's profile? He was matchless as at the time. The bible said he demoralized or defied the armies of Israel all day. No one could dare to stand him. He threw challenges at them but fear couldn't allow them to think of making a move. Even Saul on hearing this giant's taunt was scared to the spine! The evidence of an empty king!

When plans go awry it’s because there is no good counsel. Saul lost his counsel with God, but the new councilor with Spirit of God was on the way. David, still attendant to his father's sheep was asked by his father to go up to the battle field to bring supply to his brothers and to see how they fared. Another virtue we notice here again in David is? OBEDIENCE. David obeyed his father. Though he was busy with his initial assignment in the bush with the sheep; he left it to do his father's wish. He was asked to go up to the battle area to go and give his brothers food, he knew how dangerous it could be, but he didn't say no.

How many of us youths today can do that? We'd rather give a million and one reasons why we wouldn't go there. Not just us, even our parents too! How many of them can send their children on such missions? They'd rather send their house helps or servants.
But Jesse, David's father knew his son; he must have heard how his son killed a lion and a bear with his sling- an unsophisticated tool! Jesse had confidence in his son.

To be ccontinued...

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