Sunday 28 February 2016


It takes courage to face a giant and David was up to this giant not by size but by size of his God; David defeated Goliath with the word, the sword and by strategy. We continue from last time... 

So, early in the morning, David left the sheep with a
keeper and off he was to do his father's bidding. What do you notice here again? He was PUNCTUAL. He woke up early to do his father's wish. Many of us today will always want to do things at our own time, procrastinate or even fail to do it. I pray you pick up the challenge of being like David and become a champion!

At the battle camp, while David met with his brothers and talked with them, then came up the revered Philistine; Goliath. In his usual taunting manner, he spoke the same words... (1Sam.16:23). David heard his words. But, he wasn't going to sit there and listen.

'I want you to know that there is nothing new about your enemy, it's just that you have not discovered the right strategy to fight him'.

While the rest of Israel fled, which was their usual way, David being stirred up by the Spirit of God in him asked, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? FOR WHO IS THIS UNCIRCUMCISED PHILISTINE, THAT HE SHOULD DEFY THE ARMIES OF THE LIVING GOD?" (1Sam.17:26).
David was annoyed; he was provoked in the spirit. How can this fellow stand and insult God’s own people? His oldest brother heard his boasts and became angry with David and said everything he could to kill David's spirit but David was operating on another level! David didn't pay attention to his brother's discouraging words and continued asking others the same questions. He believed so much in himself but they didn't know what he had inside.

'If only you can cast aside the words people say to you and tell them, "I am what God says I am", and ignore them, then the heads of your enemies will just be waiting for you to take!'

Eventually, his words got to Saul's ears and he sent for him. David wasn't intimidated by Saul's presence but put the words straight to him saying, "Let no man's heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine." (1Sam. 17:32)
Saul came with his own discouraging factor, saying to David, "You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth." (1Sam.17:33). Saul had long lost his confidence in himself and worse still in God. He simply did not believe that anyone in Israel or around the world could beat Goliath. But did David lose heart or melt away due to Saul's words? No! He with all boldness told Saul of all his exploits! He must have said to himself; "if this man has such a high profile, I myself, I have a profile."
He went on to tell Saul of the bear and lion that lost their lives trying to steal away his sheep and how he rescued the sheep. (1Sam. 17:34-35)

'My friend, if they tell you, you possibly can't do this or that, tell them, "Greater is he that is in me...!" Once we can conquer that inner fear, I tell you that that mountain or situation or whatever, will bow to you! You only need to stand your ground in the Lord!'

David went on now to boast in the Lord saying, "Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them...
"Imagine that! Such insolence! Did I just say insolence? I meant such boldness! David had a reason why the Philistine should die like an animal, and that's because, "...he has defied the armies of the living GOD." (1Sam.17:36)
 For me, that is a good enough reason why Goliath should die. David didn't forget to bring God into the scene so he said, "The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." (1Sam.17:37). See how David belittled a whole giant; he made him look like an animal that could be killed!

'See, the way you picture your enemies will be the way your enemies will look like. If you picture them as great and insurmountable, so will they always be. But when you make them small, so will they be. You must also not forget that you can never do it by yourself. You need a backup and He must be God; for He is the Almighty!'

Saul had no choice than to say, "Go, and the Lord be with you!" Saul still didn't understand that it wasn't by power; he went on to clothe David with armor and battle materials. But David wasn't used to such sophisticated war clothes. He refused to wear them. (1Sam. 17:39)

'Let me tell you something, "You don't have to dress like the world to get what you want. You don't have to be like them, create your own niche, your own cutting-edge and stand up for what you believe in! Let no man despise you! You don't have to be fake! You don't have to do it the way others did it! "...Because everybody does it, doesn't mean it’s right.""'
'I speak to you and say, 'All those who have discouraged you will have no choice than to say go ahead, I support you! Take everything you need. You will begin to make choices.''

He took those clothes off!

'My friend take off that garment or armor of sin with which you clothe yourself and take up the armor of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14-17) and God will be with you like He was with David!'

He decided to do it his own way. He took his staff in his hand; ...chose 5 smooth stones from the brook ...put them in a shepherd's bag ...his sling in his hand, and he drew near to the Philistine.

'Did you see his battle strategy? He did five remarkable things;
“…He took his staff…”; the staff represents guidance and correction. How? In his psalm in Psalm 23:4, he said, "...Your rod and your staff, they comfort me". He knew only one person could guide him and that was GOD. You need God to guide you so you don't make any mistake. Put Him first.;
“…He picked five smooth stones from the brook…”; how many letters spell JESUS? Five! Those stones represent Jesus. And the brook signifies the Word, which is the Word of God. You need Jesus in you and not only having Him in you, His words must be in you too!;
“…He put them in a shepherd's bag…”; when Jesus possesses you or should I say, the Holy Spirit possesses you; you must do all you can to keep Him in you! The one thing that drives Him away is what? SIN! You must resist that urge to sin and to grieve the Holy Spirit.
“…With his sling in his hand…”; your weapon against your enemy; the devil, is the Word of God, this world runs on a Word Order! By words, God made all things and it is still by His words in us that we can do all things. So, "GET THE WORD!”
“…He drew near to the Philistine…”; having girded himself against the enemy he took the battle to the gates of his enemy! When you're loaded with the anointing you don't wait for the devil to come at you, you go ahead and fight him. When he brings up those ugly situations you go on to challenge him and as you do that I tell you, he will shiver in his booths because God is with you!

As he came out to the Philistine, the Philistine came to him. What?! The giant was shocked to see a youth, ruddy and good-looking standing to face his challenge. These were his words, "Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks?" and the Philistine cursed David by his gods. (1Sam.17:43 NKJV). You see again, words are powerful, “Your words help shape your life”. Goliath made incantations by his gods against David, probably casting a spell on David. But David didn’t just stand there looking at him? He did something. Let's see...

To be ccontinued... 

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