Friday 4 March 2016

THE SPIRIT OF DAVID 4 (Overcoming the overcomer)

In all my life, the Story of David and Goliath is one story that keeps me motivated all day and always whenever I recall it. David had nothing to fight almighty Goliath but he fulfilled all the promises he made to Goliath. You see, we live in a world formed by words.
What you say constantly about yourself and your future repeatedly determines the kind of life you'll have. 

Let's learn more from David... 

Goliath went further to taunt to threaten David saying, "Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!" (1Sam.17:44).
David's reply, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the LORD does not save with sword or spear; for the battle is the LORD's, and He will give you into our hands." (1Sam. 17:45-47)

That's the word! David countered the words of Goliath with his own and even made more threats. Here is a comparison of the words they both spoke... 

Goliath: "Come, I will give your flesh to the birds and beasts of the field"

David: "You come to me with weapons but I come to you in the name of the Lord, you have been delivered into my hand, I will strike you and take your head. I will give the carcasses of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth..."

I would like for you to learn something from the comparisons made above.. 

When your enemy says one, counter him with a thousand. When he puts a limit to his words like the way Goliath did by saying, "I will kill you", you tell him, "I will not only kill you, I will destroy your entire kingdom." Like I said before, it's 'WORD WAR'.

With those words from both parties, the war started, Goliath drew near to meet David but David wasn't in the mood to walk all the way to Goliath, he hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.
You see, he wasn't seeing just Goliath, He was seeing the entire army too. No wonder he said in one of his psalms in Psalms 18:29, " You I can run against a troop..." (NKJV)

On approaching the giant, "...he put his hand in his bag, took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth." (1Sam. 17:49 NKJV). What?! A stone, bringing a giant down? Hmmm… ok!

Whose words prevailed? David's!

'From today your words shall prevail!'

The scripture said that Goliath fell faced down... He fell with a bow. A bow, down to David!

'As you're reading this, your enemies will bow at your first attack.'

To fulfill his promise to Goliath, "...he ran and stood on the fallen giant, took his sword, killed him and cut off his head with it." (1Sam.17:51 NKJV, rephrased).

How are the mighty fallen! Like I always say, “it’s not by the physical, but by the inside man”.

The anointing makes the difference; the feared champion that scared Israel and motivated the Philistines was down.

To one side of the battle field, it was good news, to the other; it was a matter of running as fast as your feet could carry you!

After the brief battle, a new champion emerged; a champion ordained by God Himself and his name was David, the son of Jesse of Bethlehem! They said Goliath had been a warrior from his youth; now David was the new warrior from his youth! A unique warrior, he conquered a champion to become a champion of champions! To become the new warrior from his youth!

How I wish I could meet David so I could ask him how he felt when he brought victory to his people? Nevertheless, I still have hope that I’ll meet him in heaven…

So, when his people saw him standing on the dead giant, they chased home their enemies and defeated them, taking away the spoils!

I speak to you now, "Your victory shall be a victory for your generation! Your enemies will run but you will surely slay them!"

David fulfilled his promise to Goliath. He took his head to Jerusalem and paraded it. He made spectacle of the dreaded and revered giant.

Read this: "Your enemies shall be at your mercy."

Where was Saul all these while? He was awe-struck, I suppose, because the last time we read of him, he was sitting down, watching. And when the victory was won, the only thing he could do was to ask his commander, "Abner, whose son is this youth?" Abner, in awe too answered, "…O king, I do not know." (1Sam. 17:55 NKJV)

Saul?? Forgetting who David was? David, that bore his armor and played for him?! Surprising isn't it? Well, you wouldn't blame him; he had lost his connection with God! Like I said before, “the anointing makes you different”. Well, let's not bore ourselves with old Saul.

But I speak to you, "Your peers will not recognize you when the anointing starts to explode all around you."

Finally, Saul found out that it was still the same young man that played the harp for him whenever he was distressed. He asked him, "Whose son are you, young man?" David answered, "I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite” (1Sam.17:56 NKJV) "But, how come…?" This must have been his question. But that question never got an answer, I guess...

Read this: "From now on your peers will not be able to recognize you because your anointing will be matchless!"

In summary, David was a youth like you but he was destined for greatness just like you are too. "There is a drop of greatness in everyone". What you ought to do is to emulate David, be diligent, obedient, and virtuous and never give up. No matter what people say or do, never give in to peer-pressure, believe in yourself, and take your stand! Let them know that, 'the world is yours for the taking'. David never got discouraged along the way, though he met strong oppositions and virtually no support from anyone. His family, the soldiers, the former brave king, Saul, could stop him! He knew what he had in him; he depended solely on God who gave him the anointing. David fulfilled his ministry. Note this, "If God calls you for a duty, He will equip you". Never look back on His promises. The problem most times is that we as humans forget that God is unchanging and steadfast. We become too anxious and find ourselves in the pitfall of disbelief, doubt and distraction! 3-D! 
David was focused, no time for frivolities. If you've been reading attentively, you would have noticed that friendship was never mentioned here, I mean it wasn't recorded that he was playing with his friends or going after one girl or looking for the nearest groove point or event center. The only friend he had was Saul’s son Jonathan, but that would be a topic for another day. He had the heart of a champion! No time to waste. My prayer is that God will give you the "HEART OF A CHAMPION!"

In conclusion, you need to have Jesus in you to become a champion. You need to become born again and accept Him in your heart and life. Make Him Lord of all! You may want to say, “Did David have Jesus?” or “Was he born again?” well, I’m pleased to tell you that he was! How…?
Remember when he picked up 5 stones? That is it. In the bible time of kings, kings that were anointed by God had a sign and that sign was, they prophesied! David only made a simple prophesy by picking up those stones. So, get off the argument and accept Jesus into your life and I assure you that you will receive the SPIRIT OF A CHAMPION!

Thank you for reading this write up. My prayer for you, my reader, is that you become motivated to leave where you are and operate on a higher level. The level where God wants you to function! A higher frequency; “THE FREQEUNCY OF CHAMPIONS!”


God bless!

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