Thursday 24 March 2016


Acts 20 vs 32
"And now, brethren I commend you to God and to the word of his grace,which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified"

Acts 26 vs 18
"To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may obtain forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."


The popular story of the prodigal son in the scriptures has so many things to teach us. Although prodigal, he waswise, wise because he understood he belonged to a father who was wealthy and since he had a wealthy father, he had an inheritance as a son.
Many believers today are more concerned in having the manna which the children of Israel received in the wilderness than partaking in the share of the inheritance of their Almighty father. 
Life of a truth is not by struggle for those living as inheritors of our heavenly Fathers abundance.

When the Children of Israel left Egypt, they worried about the cucumber and onion in the land of slavary; God gave them manna. Getting closer to their promised land they were more interested in the manna in the wilderness than the promise Land which was God's planned inheritance for them. 

A father who pays his child's school fees just gave him manna but the school fees is not the child's inheritance. The believers today are so much interested in getting a meagre from the abundance of their father. 
The Prodigal son never did wrong in asking his part of the inheritance, his problem was just his riotous mode of spending and this was because he left the presence of his father.

From the scriptures in Acts 20 vs 32
Apostle Paul presented to us the way which we can obtain that inheritance.
First he commends us to God and importantly to the Word  of his Grace; This word builds us up and gets up prepared for this inheritance. This therefore calls for deep study into the word of God which brings Grace because in it lies the riches of our inheritance in God. 

Shallow Bible Christians are busy receiving the manna which God gives but the deep rooted Bible believers are at the point of enjoying God's inheritance even while on earth. Such people do not have struggle with life because they are co heirs with Jesus. 

Gal 4 vs 1-2 explains the condition of one who suffers lack in the midst of plenty.
A child whose father is a king remains a servant hence he has not learnt or undergone some form of tutelage. The same applies to any Christian who is shallow with God's word, He will continue to live by manna and not as an inheritor.

This is therefore a call for us all to increase our search for great treasures in God's Word of Grace because in it we will discover treasures that will transform us to inheritors of our Almighty fathers abundance. 

Inheritance is not limited to material things.
There is also a city where we belong and desire to co-inhabit, we must gather knowledge from the word of grace to direct our conduct towards achieving that desire. 

"Manna eaters are drinking the milk of the gospel inheritors are bone chewers of the gospel."

31st Jan 2016

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