Friday 25 March 2016

LAW & GRACE (The build up to Easter)

If you are going through the Law, you are going through perfection based on your strength in the flesh and by the flesh you can never be perfected. But if you are going through Grace, you are going through the perfection of Christ, making you perfect because
he stands as the propitiation for our incapacity to maintain the Law. He is the fulfillment of the law, being made a sin for us because it is written, cursed is any man who hangs on a tree.
By one man's sin, death came to all and by one man's righteousness, life was given to all, just by believing in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross.

The night before Jesus was killed. He was faced with the challenge of, 'Do I go ahead with this or do I just let it be?' Remember at this point in his life he was loaded with so much that an ordinary man would simply let go. But something spurred him on. He had a vision. He was on a mission. He was here to do just one thing; to redeem us back to God again.

Jesus wanted the cup to pass him by but he wouldn't allow his flesh to rule his Spirit so he resort to prayer. The bible says, he prayed to the point his sweat became blood, (Luke 22:39-44). That was the depth of sorry he was in.
From the begin of the world, Jesus has been and was mentioned in
Genesis 3:15
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

As I said earlier, his purpose was to restore union between man and God. Jesus was not going to back down now having gone been with man and understood his frailty. He was in the garden that night all drowned in prayers wishing all these weren't necessary but his fate was sealed. He must need die else man was lost for good.
In the most unfair hearing and trial, one done at night when men slept, Jesus was sentenced to death by the same people who he came for to rescue from Satan (the Jews condemned him before Pilate permitted it officially). If it were the common men that requested for his death it would have been that their sins haunted them hence they couldn't stand Jesus' righteousness but it was men who were seen as the upholders of the law of God. Men who were meant to be the oracles of God. One would want to ask, where these men nor supposed to know that a messiah would come? Of course they did, but like Jesus said, "this generation seeks a sign but none shall be given..." (Matt. 16:4) These men knew who Jesus was but were too big to admit it. God didn't, need to use a king to save his people. He needed a servant to save his people. "Behold you king comes to you, meek and sitting upon a donkey". The Jews expected a man of power to to deliver them from their oppressors but they saw this fellow who spent more time preaching the kingdom and not meeting their fleshly needs, their selfish interest. He had a better freedom for them, the freedom from Satan's grip. The re-union of God with men; men of all tribes and tongue. This was the big picture these moral men were not seeing. Jesus was seeing something bigger than they were.

On this terrible night, heaven watched and waited. The devil smiled and grinned that his plan was coming to fruition. But he was in for the shocker of his entire existence.

See you tomorrow...

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