Sunday 21 August 2016


The story of Job is a rather sad tale of a man who had it all and in the blink of an eye, it was all gone. But there is a whole list of lessons to learn from Mr. Job, (the richest man in the East). I am going to be selective about the lessons, so I'm taking one out of all of them and that is, SATAN IS LIMITED!

The Book of Job 1 & 2

Have you considered what Satan was doing all day long and year round? He was "going to and fro the earth, and from walking up and down in it". In his walking around and gallivanting, he had come in contact with Mr. Job but he hadn't the balls to touch him, why? God had made an hedge, a fence round about him, his house and all that he had on every side!

This then means that the devil had tried so many times to get at Job or at least some of his goods or possessions but he failed so many times because God had Job covered! Wow! Such security!

Until God lifted up that hedge and gave permission to Satan to touch all Job had, he couldn't lift a finger at him! First, Satan took away all he had, Job was only shaken as a man but never charged God foolishly! Again, Satan in His usual roaming around seeking for whom to devour routine came into God's presence. May I even ask, "to do what?". Answer, "to accuse the Brethren!" it's his job! God, still boastful about Job, commended Job to Satan and Satan wouldn't just give up so he said, "touch his flesh and bones, I promise you, he'll curse you to your face." Yet again, God gives him permission but limits him to just his flesh and bones not his life... Get that word, "LIMIT".

The things you face today has not consumed you why? Because God has limited the devil! He has his boundaries! It's in your hands to do that which will make God to limit Satan yet the more. Satan couldn't touch even Job's possessions because the hedge encompassed all he had! Today, you must do as Job, fear God and eschew evil and be perfect and upright. Did I just say perfect? Yeah, it's written there in Job 1:1. God can't tell you to do what you can't! We must live our lives to please God and do his will at all times, that way we get perfect; not before our eyes or the eyes of friends or people but before God! That's where we have the misunderstanding; thinking perfection is by our rating! It's God who commends not we! (2Cor.10:18)

As highlighted already, we must now begin to get rid of evil around us. Live in the fullness of Jesus' grace. If Job didn't have the grace we're all making noise about and yet made it through those tough times, we have no excuse whatsoever to live contrary! (Heb. 12:1)

Limit the devil through righteousness and trust God to save you in the time when unknown to you He wants to elevate you to greater Heights! Those Trials and Temptations will only lead to triumphs if only you persevere by doing right always!

I love you!


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