Friday 12 August 2016

Do the RAIN DANCE again!

Growing up as a kid I remember one of the days when there was heavy pouring, I and my sibs launched into the veranda and did the rain dance.... mom wasn't home and the help was out. As we danced in excitement one of
the girls on my street suddenly rushed upstairs and there I was butt-naked! I quickly scampered for the gate and that brief moment of confusion, I was pulling the gate forward instead of towards me... Hahahahaha... that was how my crush girl saw my nakedness. But really? Who cared? We were kids, doing our RAIN DANCE!
When last did you do the rain dance? Sometimes its good to go down memory lane and be a kid once more. Next time it rains in your area just get our there and do the rain dance. Life is too short to allow yourself ne frustrated! Its true that there is tension everywhere, but if you could live your life through the eyes of a kid who despite everything believes that everything will be alright, we would go through life without much pain. This could be difficult though, so Jesus made GRACE available to all and says, "come unto me all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest".
Why not take this offer? Don't you want to do the rain dance in the midst of the world crises and economic downturn? Jesus makes the journey of life worthwhile! Life is hard enough, let Jesus take the wheels from you! Don't let the devil get the better part of you. Get your praise on! The rains might not be within sight, the sun might be scorching hard but like Elijah, I speak unto you, "I hear the sound of abundance of rain". Can you hear it?

Get your faith activated! God is looking for people who will trust him no matter what they see! Begin now to rehearse your rain dance, cos soon the rains are gonna fall and soak you with abundant life, peace, joy, financial open heavens and all you pray for! I've got my praise on and I'm doing my rain dance!


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