Saturday 19 November 2016


The title above came to me in my sleep in the early of the day of this write up. One of the most important and valued asset of all ages is time. The book of Ecclesiastics clearly states in chapter 3 that there is time for everything. God himself doesn’t work without timing. He has a perfect time for you. Taking a deep insight into that scripture shows that from a baby’s first cry to man’s final breathe, a season is appointed to all of his life’s endeavor.
      Take a look around you, what time is it for you? The time of life and death is not in your hands but we have the other times in your hands. That’s privilege! God has given you the leverage to do what you must now that you can! Don’t go with the thought, “it’s too late”. Nope it’s not!

      During the GREAT DEPRESSION in the 1930s (the longest, deepest and most widespread depression of the 20th century), Harland Sanders aka ‘Colonel Sanders’, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), started selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant as an entrepreneur. His story is an exact confirmation of the words of the Preacher in Ecclesiastics who said, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” (11:4). Despite the economy of the world, Mr. Sanders who had a very poor beginning didn’t consider the death of his father at age 5 and having to take care of his sibs as the eldest son to make him think any less of himself or trying to be successful. He had mixed successes (failure and success on various levels as his business grew), that wasn’t going to stop him either. He went into various marketing strategies & by 1963 he had 600 KFC restaurants making it the largest fast food in the USA. In 1964, he sold it the company for $2 million, with a lifetime salary for him and an agreement that he would be the company’s quality controller and trademark. By 2013 after going through different owners, KFC was worth $14 billion! Now that’s what I call ‘REAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP’.
      We always wait for the right time. Beloved I’m sorry to burst your bubble, the right time doesn’t exist! Every time is the right time! The bible says, “Cast your bread upon the waters for you will find it after many days. …Sow in the morning, and the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” (Eccl. 11:1, 6)
      Even as the nation is in its own depression, you too can be like Colonel Sanders. Don’t feel small because you’re beginning small. Big things start small! The TIME IS NOW!

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