Monday 21 November 2016

Singing Preacher

In 2014 when Singing with Grace began, it was quite overwhelming and challenging but it turned out to be a very memorable experience. The joy, laughter, fun and enthusiastic build up to the event was just heavenly. I remember rolling on he floor and in serious tears of joy. How time flies! It's three years now and we're here again. God said, "title this edition, GLORY EXPERIENCE, it's time for me to come down like never before!" and we are expecting! Come expecting too! It is going to be a TRANSFIGURATION evening!

Last time we featured here on the blog one of the guest ministers for this year's concert, today we're presenting the next on the list. Though not a first timer, he was at last year's event and this year we thought it wise to have him officially as a minister. His name is Zumba Chinedu John, a gospel minister
with a huge difference. I mean, with songs like, "Do not go to hell", "He go save you" and "Prophesy", there is something totally new about this minister. Find out more in our exclusive chat. God bless you!

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Who is Zumba Chinedu John?
Zumba: Well, by the special grace of God almighty, I'd say Zumba Chinedu John is another minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who's uttermost desire is to reach every heart/soul that has not received or met Jesus and to revive them that did but are fallen from faith and the truth through singing and preaching the word of God.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: You sound more like a Preacher than a singer...
Zumba: Well, that's because singing is simply preaching the word of God in melodies

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Hmmm... I see. Most people don't see it so, don't you think?
Zumba: Yes, you're right sir... And that is why there are errors in the gospel world of music

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Errors? Why would you say errors? God doesn't make mistakes... Anyone who preaches Christ definitely isn't against the faith, Jesus said that...
Zumba: The book of Philippians chapter 3 from verse 18 has this to say: “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ”. So I strongly believe that not all gospel artistes actually has the purpose of God in mind.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: I see... That reminds me of an artiste too by name, Lynxx if I'm not mistaken, at first he appeared to be doing gospel music but recent reports have it that his new album is a shadow of what he started off with. What do you think is responsible for this derail...?
Zumba: His master... The question is WHO IS HIS MASTER? Every gospel minister has a master, and what your master says they must do, where he sends they go. Some their master is their belly so they pursue money at any cost. Others is FAME, WOMEN etc. At first many say God sent them but sooner or later the truth unfolds.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: That's deep... Can we get a clear picture of who/what you stand for?

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: OK... As a music minister, what is your motivation before, during and after ministration?
Zumba: My motivation is the Holy Spirit... Before ministration: that God should do what He wants.
During ministration: that Jesus Christ should be exalted.
After ministration: that Satan would be put to shame and God be glorified

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Wow... Who are your target audience?
Zumba: The lost and the weak.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Why them?
Zumba: Cos it remains the major reason Jesus Christ came in the first place in the book of LUKE chapter 4:18 -
"18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.”

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: What kind of music do you do?
Zumba: Not to be rude but sincerely I do whatever the spirit of God leads to be done. And however He wants it done.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: So you can swing from reggae to hip hop if "He" wants it...?
Zumba: God is God, and whatever, I mean whatever He wants to promote holiness and righteousness that I must do.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Interesting... When you are on stage, what is on your mind?
Zumba: Oh, my soul just keep yearning and crying out to God saying "lord, not I but you Lord, let every ear hear you, let every heart feel you, let every soul know you, let them not hear the melody but the lyrics/message, let your name be glorified"

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: We know you've ministered in and are ministering in your church choir, have you had other exposures outside the walls of the Lord's Chosen?
Zumba: Yes, yes sir.... Several churches including RCCG

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Lovely... There's a general notion that those from your denomination don't minister on other churches' podium, that doesn't seem to apply to you... Why's that? Why doesn't your church allow that?
Zumba: It is a different thing to go minister in other church as a choir and it's another thing to go as a missionary sent on a mission...... Anyone who wants to hear from the choir should come to the church and listen to them, every church has its dogma and must be honoured under God.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Very well, you've been invited to many programs, I presume?
Zumba: Some few.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: OK, which one is the most memorable for you?
Zumba: Hmmm… Two to be precise, one that took place in one of our church locations few years back and one that happened this year at a church I was invited to minister (saw this lady weeping deeply for God's salvation)

Zumba: Really, there are more. God has proven Himself mightily on several occasions.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: There's a program coming up in December titled Singing With Grace, Glory Experience, sources say you've been part of it before, now, you're being invited as a special guest minister, what are your expectations? But first tell us more about your experience with the concert?
Zumba: Wow! SWG (Singing with Grace) is one concert nobody should miss for anything in the world! My first experience was last year was a glorious experience indeed, full of grace! With other ministers ministering, coupled with the amazing songs by several groups of choristers. It was Divine, it was dynamic!!! I can't wait to be there this year come "16th Dec 2016" as I am in full expectation of God's grace in another dimension!!! It was GODSOME!

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Wonderful... In the next 5 years, where do we see Singing Preacher?
Zumba: Hmmm... In the next five years, I must be plain and straight forward. I'll see myself in the programme of God, I'll see myself running errands for God, by God's grace.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Singing Preacher... What lead to that name?
Zumba: Hmmm.... Last year, was having my bath, and started having this huge burden, direction and leading deep down my heart with that voice saying "go into the world by the name SINGING PREACHER" with directions why it's so and what to and not do, I knew that was God speaking.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: You were part of a group Soul lifters, what happened to the group?
Zumba: Hmm, a beautiful group I must say, but it lost focus and stability...

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Very well, do you have any album(s)?
 Zumba: Yes, by God's grace... Just concluded one recently, the first titled UNDILUTED

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Wow... Is it in sale now?
Zumba: Yes sir, it is....

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Where can we get it?
Zumba: It will be available at SWG

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Nationwide I mean?
Zumba: For now, we have on sale in Lagos state first. We're getting there sir, making huge plans for that with God on our side.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Who is your mentor?
Zumba: Sounds strange... But there's no one, JUST ME AND MY JESUS!!! (No man)

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: OK sir... With that, give us your last words for the moment.
Zumba: Let not what the world offers blindfold us from the duty and commission given us by God. We are not singing/ministering for vain glory but to God's glory which must be done in total obedience to His word in holiness and righteousness. Any song (gospel song) that goes away from THE HOLY BIBLE (the word of God) which is built on JESUS CHRIST must be avoided. God bless US all.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Thank you very much. God bless you for your time...
Zumba: The pleasure is mine. Thanks to God.

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