Monday 14 November 2016

Singing With Grace

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Apostle Paul in his words to the gentile churches made the statement, "For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power", (1Cor. 4:20). From the context from where this verse was taken, there was an argument of those who thought that being fluent in speech meant they had a better understanding of the Word, but Paul demonstrates that it's not word alone but power accompanying the Word! The Word of Christ in us gives us an edge over all facets of life's challenges. Moreso, it has the ability to set us apart from those who think they know. The Word has an effect unlike any other. When it dwells in us, it translates to teachings, admonishing and making music in all spirituality and Grace in our hearts to GOD!

Music is one very powerful tool
and has the ability to pull down gates of brass, break chains and shackles, create an atmosphere for miracles, make kingdoms war against each other, drive away evil spirits and finally unites people of every tongue and tribe! Grandly, in heaven, that's all we'd do, worship... Here on earth we are made for his pleasure and Glory as instruments of praise!

In 2013, an idea came up and it was one aimed at gathering youths and then Singing to God's Glory whilst rewarding some people for their great labour. But in 2014, God took it a step higher and gave us the theme, "SINGING WITH GRACE". Since that time till now, God has taken it to to greater heights so much that people call in from all over the world to be a part of it.

This year, Singing With Grace was tagged, GLORY EXPERIENCE, and honestly you wouldn't want to be told the outcome of this exciting program. GroupKTF has been a prime part of it since it's inception and as a build up to Singing With Grace 2016, the KTF family had an exclusive chat with one of the Special Guest ministers billed to minister at the concert. Her name is Onyinyechi Onuoha, a pretty damsel from the heart of Eastern Nigeria.

Here are excerpts from the chat...

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: May we meet you?

Jacint: My Name is Onyinyechi Onuoha. ..a native of Imo state....a soon-to-be graduate of Marine Engineering. A minister in songs and a Child of God.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Wow... Marine Engineer, Minstrel and Child of God. That's quite a heavy CV... You indeed are a gift from God as your name means in igbo language. How did you discover music or did music discover you?

Jacint: I discovered my music talent in primary school. ..I was once the school choir mistress. ..children choir mistress in church. ..and till I came of age

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: I see... You started quite early.

Jacint: yeah

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: What kind of music do you do?

Jacint: I do Gospel and inspirational songs

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Who are your target listeners?

Jacint: By God's Grace. .my target listeners are the youth...the youths are the future of the world. ..they'll be taking over from their parents and aged ones. If there will be a brighter tomorrow. .it's all on the youths. So we need to prepare and equip them to be agents of positive change. turn the world upside down for be in charge of the affairs of men...because our Father owns the world

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Wow... I think you should add, "motivational speaker" to your CV. I'm inspired..

Jacint: laughs...

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Do you see what you do as a love or a career opportunity or a call?

Jacint: By God's Grace. is a call...and I so so love it as well because its a beautiful gift from God to me...and I see it as a great privilege to be selected to be a worker in God's vine yard. ..

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: I saw an ads picture of you, you were a guest minister and also the Sister Cord. of JCCF of your school, how did that happen?

Jacint: my dear... It is only GOD that can do it... A Pastor who was a past JCCF president found me in school in a vigil I was invited. I was asked to lead in worship and after the vigil, he introduced me to the a group called CEO  (Campus evangelism and outreach ) and that was how I was called as a guest minister. Being Sister coordinator of JCCF in my school was something I never thought would happen. I'll just say that "who God predestined, He calleth".

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: So that shows your ministry is a call not a love...

Jacint: by God's Grace yes

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: OK, That's lovely... All things being equal, what's your take on the current state of gospel music?

Jacint: I would say that true worshipers are rising up...and taking over Pastor Nathaniel Bassey, Onos, Zumba and U-mark. Gospel songs won't be for entertainment or show off...but to reach out to souls and the manifestation of God's power.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: When you stand on stage to minister, what comes to your mind?

Jacint: hahaha... by Gods grace, what I say before ministration is " Holy Ghost take over". We're here for you, your presence is what we seek. These are the things that comes in my mind, it helps me a lot not to think of myself or anything and focus on God.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: What are your expectations after saying those words?

Jacint: ha...! when The Holy Spirit takes over, He does far above our expectations. Let me say that I just want to feel God's presence while ministering. I know when He comes, He'll take care of any need in that place.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Powerful... Most musical performances lack the touch of God's Presence and some use emotions to kind of tingle people, does your music thrive on emotions or does it solely depend on God's presence?

Jacint: God has to be there o... if not, me, I no sing o... there's no true worship when God's presence is not there...

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Have you performed in major concerts?

Jacint: hmmmm... for me every ministration is important. No major or minor. One soul is as important as a thousand souls, even backing up for someone is important too.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: You seem to be more soul winning conscious than normal, what's your drive?

Jacint: I was once ignorant. But now I know the truth which is - being born again and having a personal relationship with Jesus and it's very beautiful. Life in Christ is beautiful. Righteousness exalts a nation... without holiness no eyes shall see God. I want other people to know this truth too.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Great testimony...

Jacint: all glory to God

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Now, the concert SWG (Singing With Grace) is coming up in December, and you have been invited, what is your take on the concert?

Jacint: it is privilege to minister at SWG. I like the concept and its a youth gathering. I'll say its Mission accomplished!

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Mission accomplished? You've been yearning for it?

Jacint: what I meant is that, my targets in ministration are mostly youths. In SWG from what I saw last year is a youth gathering.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Ok, What are your expectations at the concert?

Jacint: to have a great time of worshiping God...and the release of God's power and gifts, salvation, revival, renewal, blessings.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Alright... What inspires you to worship?

Jacint: God's love...the way He forgives, shows mercy. The fact that He's so great and mighty. He can could easily crush us but rather chooses to be our friend, I marvel! When I remember these things I  just melt and worship.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: How would you compare the current gospel music to the oldies?

Jacint: the music of the oldies were very strong with deep meanings. The current ones swayed a little away from that... but like I said earlier, True worshipers are on the rise again.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: True, and obviously, you are part of the rising... I believe People want to hear from you always, so do you have an album in the market?

Jacint: by God's grace. as for the album, not yet, but hopeful.

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Ok, any singles?

Jacint: Yes, but not officially release. 

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: When is it coming out? We can't wait...

Jacint: At the appropriate time

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Alright... I'm sure glad to have this chat. Any last words?

Jacint: uhm... I'll say, anyone who seeks to worship God should do so in spirit and in truth... KEEP THE FAITH!

GroupKTF TEAM LEADER: Thank you very much for your time...

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