Saturday 1 October 2016


Just in case you missed the first part, start from here
Ezekiel looked in the valley at God’s command and saw rightly again, he saw dry bones, a vast number, and God asked if they could live again, Ezekiel must have learned from others so he said, “O Lord God, thou knowest”. If you don’t know, simply say, Lord, I don’t; Don’t guess or imagine, God loves sincere people. Open people. Honest and true people. This part throws me back to Joshua and Caleb. Numbers 13:25-14:10, tells a story of 12 spies. While 10 saw men like Giants, record breaking and making people, strong and mighty, Joshua and Caleb saw people that could be conquered ‘if only the Lord delights in them’. God doesn’t really need everyone or the vast majority to believe in Him but surely wants you to be among the few that believe on him and in His Words and for everything, all that he has done before now! The Giants were real, they existed but God had given them heads of kings before now,}  so why on earth should they not believe he’d give them the land of the Giants?! The story ends with Joshua and Caleb being the only people who left Egypt and made it to the promised land simply because they believed in God’s repeated manifestation of His Power!

I feel revived and excited writing these things down. It’s straight from the Father! I pray for you reading this, “You will begin to see what God sees!”

Now, I conclude with the New Testament.

Jesus, fed the multitude – the five thousand, then the four thousand and in both cases, women and children aside (do the math). Matthew 14:13-21 and 15:29-38, shows that even being with God the Son himself, the disciples weren’t seeing a bigger picture. It doesn’t matter who you’re with, if you have a bad vision, you have a bad vision and except you begin to look out, and expand your view, knowing who you are with, you can never see beyond your limits! When lack and want, impossibility and hopelessness seems to lurk around you, turn your eyes upon Jesus, He who is with you is not someone, who doesn’t understand. Our previous texts saw men and God in relationships that were from one side, God’s; but Jesus who was with us, felt what we felt, and went through all we do now but He laid us a step to follow.

Throughout the chronicle of Jesus’ life on earth he saw suffering men, dying men, people that needed help but men felt they had it all. Men were living based on what they saw and their abilities, but Jesus saw something more than they did see. He knew only his blood could really make them live right and stand right before God. God looked at man’s state and sent Jesus for his redemption. Man was not designed the way he turned out. Man was built to dominate (Gen. 1:28). Created to worship, (Rev. 4:11). God’s vision of man was a vision of Himself in man. (imagine man having the power of God! That was the original idea). But that moment of being off-guard, settling for the now and forgoing the then. Man saw temporal wisdom true the deceptive eyes of the serpent and lost the glory of the future. The coming of the Second Man – Jesus, was a re-making of man hence the command, “YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN”, John 3:3. By being born again, you now live in the newness of the original plan of dominating but to dominate effectively, you have to be in total obedience to the Lord, (2 Co. 10:6). I wish I could delve in to the deep part of this sight of God but I can only write in line with the SPIRIT OF GOD for the purpose of this article. Jesus for the greater part of his ministry fled on many occasions when the people wanted to seize him and make him king, he departed from there and went somewhere else to be alone. (John 6:15). Ordinarily every temporary-glory seeker would fall for it but not this Man, he had a greater vision. There was something else at stake, it wasn’t about all that, the now, it was about the then! Have you achieved something and the people are excited about it and want to give you glory? Look out! It’s not the end, there is more. If God has given you a vision, stick to it, at the right time, the glory will come. Paul the Apostle writes, “…who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hey. 12:2). See that? There was more to His coming and dying on the cross. Stephen saw heaven when those around him saw a blasphemer; Acts 7:55-58. Paul saw a crown of life despite all he saw around him (2 Cor. 6:1-10), looked steadfastly and hopefully at the glory ahead of him (2 Tim. 4:7-8). Now that’s my cue to end this write up because there is nothing more to say here, Uncle Paul has wrapped it up.

What you see is a function of your heart’s limitations, the boundaries you’ve set within your heart. You are what you envision. Look now unto Jesus, keep your eyes fixed on Him, never lose sight of the big picture! There is grace upon you to live beyond limits. In adversity see prosperity. In want, see provision. In hate, see love. In all the negatives see the positives. As a matter of fact, be the exact of whatever you want to start happening! God wanted man so he had to be man. Do you want to be given? Give. Do you want to be loved? Love. Do you want to be rich? Be rich in your heart towards God and for whatever you want to be at all, be it in God!

Are you wise in your sight or smart in your heart because of who you are at the moment? You need to look at Jesus and if you do with all your heart you’d discover that you have been empty and God is calling you to come and be filled. Run to Him now!

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