Tuesday 27 September 2016


God has always sought for those who would worship him with a sincere heart. One of God's favorites, actually, the man after God's heart - David, was a worshipper. He never missed a moment of true praise and honest worship. In our time we have seen worshippers and we have heard true worshippers. Praise too is a form of worship that lifts you from the troubles of life and keeps you afloat the storms.

When Jehoshaphat was threatened by the Moabites and Ammonites, God told him, put minstrels in front of the army and just praise. 2Chro. 20:1-24. In the end, they got the victory! That's the power of praise.

Sunday 25 September 2016


I do get my inspirations to write in the weirdest of place. I won’t tell you where I got this, but I tell you, this, made me think and change/channel my mind to see things through  the eyes of Faith in God and I pray you see something too - that thing that God sees.
There’s a quote I saw sometime ago and it reads thus: “we all look but see differently”. I thought over it and it was true. Apart from eye defects, our visions or sight are often times streamlined to our mind’s view. How do I mean? What you see at first view of a thing is what your mind had in its basic thought pattern or belief. Take for example, you see a beautiful house from afar and instantly what comes to your mind is that, ‘if the inside can be this lovely then, most definitely, the inside would be superb’. That’s your minds basic thought and belief but the heart break comes when on entering the house, it’s a total shadow of whatever it is you had in your mind. We all could be staring at the sky, or an art work and what we see is very different from each other. That is what we want to see.

Friday 23 September 2016

Hang on there!

Sometimes I sincerely do wish I could take away the tears, pain, sorrow, and anguish from the eyes of people. Staring out my office window I see a lady on wheelchair and watch her head bowed to the handrails, muttering something and then that heart wrenching sob just pops out… within me, I just say, “Lord, please, just do whatever it is asking of You, it’s sad enough she’s on wheelchair!” and then tears well up my eyes too.

There’s so much pain everywhere.

My friend buzzes me and she tells me she’s got no place to stay and where she is at the moment, any little things brings insults to her from her host. I feel her pain and disappointment, but what can I do? I just pray and say, “Lord, please, intervene, she serves you with her heart, just intervene…”

There’s trouble on every side.

If only I could reach out to the place of wealth I’d distribute it to all that came my way for help or felt hungry or in need. This I can do; PRAY! I don’t really know how much pain you feel at the moment, and how much lack you are going through. Never has there been a time when frustration is felt in the air as this, but like Apostle Paul, learn to say, “Nothing can separate me from the love of God! Hunger, lack, frustration, pain, sickness, death or life, angels or demons, nothing at all can take God’s place in my life!” (Rom 8:35-39)

Don’t stop speaking the Word of Faith, “for scripture saith, whosoever believe that on him shall not be ashamed”(Rom. 10:11). Remind God constantly of His promises. For those who feel they have it all, learn to give. You are not rich until your next door neighbor feels your impact (not intimidation). Life turns around, you could be in the shoe of lack in some point of your life. The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich.
To the oppressed, there is hope! To the lost, you are being searched for! To the hungry, you shall be filled! To the persecuted, Your Redemption is near! Only fix your eyes upon Jesus!


Saturday 3 September 2016


It’s Saturday morning and here in Nigeria, it’s all about weddings. Those of us familiar with the Tyler Perry movie titled "Why did I get married?" that featured actresses like Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry himself and others would remember the various scenes of black American marriages and how some people perceive marriage. The answer to that the question came from different angles. It was more like a question that was aimed at, ‘I should have just remained single, what kind of marriage is this?’ that’s another question within the question. It was a good movie in the end.

I’m not a marriage counsellor but I’m going to come from the side of the Bible on this question.

Friday 2 September 2016


It's your beloved Henry with one of his random thoughts. I was on my own, minding my mind's business then a thought came to me, "...and there is church everywhere." If you look around you, you will discover that we have churches springing up here and there even in places you least expect. Sometimes I wonder if names of churches have not been exhausted. It's a wow at the kind of names they answer too. For example: "Mountain of Jesus' Holiness, Power and Miracles Tabernacle Ministries" (a.k.a. Solution from Above Centre) Phew!!! I actually typed all that. (Disclaimer: If the name aforementioned is the name of your church, beloved, I guessed it, I didn't know).

Breaking News: The Lord's Chosen Pastor's First son marries on low key

Probably the biggest story this year. The son of the Pastor of the fastest growing church in Africa and arguably the world, Pastor Joshua...