Thursday 8 June 2017


The hands of God upon a man can make a man do extraordinary things. Such was the case of Samson. Born at a time when Israel had just nothing but judges to coordinate her affairs, God used Samson to be the deliverer of His people. His call was unique. He was sanctified for the peculiar purpose of deliverance. In and on Samson was God and a supernatural power that was beyond human comprehension.

In one of his supernatural feats he smote a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass (donkey). He did that with so much ease because the spirit of God was mightily upon him. When it comes to God, anything is a weapon. There is an African proverb that goes thus, “God used the basket to fetch water so as to shame the bucket”. These are the kinds of things that God can do and more still!

After this great manifestation of the power of God through him. He asked for water and from that same jawbone, God caused water to come out of the hollow of it and he drank and his spirit came again and he revived. When God has called you for his purpose and you walk within the sphere of that purpose, God will never abandon you thirty without reviving you. The first thing you should check out for is, ‘am I still within my purpose?’. If you are then He will speedily answer you when you call on Him for help. Samson drank and he was restored.

En-hakkore, translates to any of the following: “fount of the crying aloud; the crier’s fountain; fount of the proclamation; the caller’s fount; fount of the invocation; fount of the emphatic prayer. Like Samson, you can cry out to the Lord and He’ll hear you. God answers prayers especially when you are in the middle of His purpose for your life. When you get tired and you feel like giving up, cry out to the Lord and He’ll continue to show you that He didn’t just call you to use you alone; He didn’t bring you this far to let you go thirsty, He will sustain you all the way.

Nothing gives more courage than to find out that each time you call upon Father He answers. No true father will ignore a son’s call. There must be a relationship between you and Father so that your call upon Him won’t be heard as a rant. Get yourself involved with God and stick with the plan He has for you.

Note: if you call upon God within His purpose for you, He will answer you speedily.


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