Monday 10 September 2018


To be alone; separated from others; far from the chaos outside; withdrawn from the norms; completely unaware of what is happening outside - Totally on your own.
Sometimes in our lives we just want to be alone and far from the crowd, just maybe we could be able to make sense of our environment or the things that shrouds us; maybe we could escape from reality to fantasy for a moment and just feel nothing.

Isolation is good. Once in a while we just take the time off everything and just stay with ourselves, put a few pieces together and see what we can make of it. I believe that God put that feeling in us to get some free air. Jesus did it when he was led to the wilderness. Men have locked themselves up for days trying to get one or more knowledge, find out the secrets to certain things and while some came out with great revelations, some died in Isolation. Why did some die and some live? The motive was the reason. Those who went into isolation to escape reality died but those who went into isolation to grasp reality came out alive.

In the multitude of counsel they say there is safety. When we despise counsel, we move behind that wall of ISOLATION that our minds build for us as a defense against those who might want to play with our imaginations or tamper with our choices. We fail to understand that when we take counsel we do not seem or appear weak but we gather strength from other people’s strength and weakness and make it into a mighty fortress. Those who give us counsel might be strong men and women but some of their counsel show the little weaknesses that they try to overcome that’s where choice comes in, we either choose to take their counsel or we discard them.

In taking counsel, the quality of your counselors can never be overemphasized or underrated. Good counsel can make you a defensed city and bad counsel can make you a heap of ruins. In ISOLATION we have the choice to sieve through all the words we have heard and make do of the best of the best under the influence of choice, will, and purpose. Choice because it’s our lives; Will because it’s our strength and defining ability; Purpose because we have an end and our end should tell of who we really were meant and made to be.
In the order of things, choice comes last, why? because if you have a purpose then there is a will from within to drive your choices.

ISOLATION is a great tool two powers that drive the earth use to make men yield positive or negative results. Whilst one power wants you to come to a full manifestation of your purpose, the other power will not as much as give you the chance to discover your purpose speak less of manifesting it.

Good and Evil exist. In a desperate battle for supremacy, they both live us with just one choice; choose Good and live, choose Evil and lose. Because of the world we live in, Evil rules and thrives more than Good. It seems Good is weaker than Evil but the truth is Evil is in a desperate hurry to end all forms of life while Good is so patient that it is ready to wait years and years just to prove to all that Evil is evil. Evil in itself doesn’t come directly as Evil but takes the form of Good to make it attractive. Why then would Evil use this tactics rather than go straight to the point and be the Evil it knows it is? You want an answer? Here it is, “You don’t like Evil. In fact, you were created to hate Evil”. And since Evil knows you won’t pick him by direct choice, He comes with subtlety, takes your desire and climaxes it like an orgasm and immediately without further thought you jump into Evil with your eyes closed and your mind fixed. Evil promises you what it would take Good years to give you and makes you salivate over a taste of the original package without letting you in on the full package – He won’t give you everything but would only give you a taste of it. Good would let you wait till the right time to give you everything you could ever ask for – He wants you to learn patience and value. Evil doesn’t teach you morals, He makes you amoral and finally immoral – the point when you become a walking destruction.

Evil thrives more when He gets you isolated. Far from reality. Far from rationale. Far from purpose and destructively far from God.

We are the product of our choices. Our lives paint a picture of who we are inside. Our words betray our intentions (those who have gained mastery of evil don’t allow their words to betray their intentions, they have become masters of deceit). Evil doesn’t walk in obvious sight but walks in men who come as friends – unfriendly friends, whose intention is to kill steal and destroy! Sometimes we know and see the signs but our hearts have been bought over by the truthful lies they tell us and we fall like a pack of cards.

We are all faced with a choice to make every single day, down to hour, minute, second and breath-time.

Evil will never attack you when you are with people who want to make the best out of you – Destiny Helpers. He uses the ISOLATION tactics to get you out of the pack that hinders Him from entering. In animal planet, animals that hunt other animals don’t attack a fold. They have a particular target and they do all they can to separate the pack from their target using subtlety, and unaware to the target that he has been isolated, the predator strikes a deathly blow and there goes the once secured target. The prey was insensitive to the signs and it loses its life to the predator and its mates.

This same analogy describes what Evil does to men. He takes you away from others, makes you feel you are the boss of your life, distracts you with the illusion of green pastures and when you have gone deep into self, He strikes and that with no mercy. His aim is to steal, kill and destroy. He steals you away from the presence of God and God’s family on earth and kills your communion with God and His people. Once this is done he has no further thing for you other than to destroy you. Such is the case of men and women who have been driven by their own lusts, their own head knowledge, their own self. Men have pierced themselves with many sorrows. Women have been drawn to damnation because of lust – comfort, pleasure and self-gratification. It’s not wrong to seek these things but when they become your obsession, Evil knows how to make them your path to destruction.
I had a friend who was obsessed with marriage and in her obsession she isolated all forms of counsel and criticism, (criticism is good. If used properly it is a tool, it is so strong a power that you would never know people were giving you – a push to be better). She felt all hated her and wanted nothing good for her. She blocked off all communication with as they call it now, “negative energies”. In the end, it cost her her life and her sun went down before it could even rise. A typical example of sunset at noon day. When her colors were about to be appreciated and treasured she lost it. The tactic was ISOLATION.

Fellowship is not to be toyed with especially in this season. No one can survive in ISOLATION. The body in its intricate form, all parts, nerves, veins, and all that, work for the good of every part of the body – none can do without the other. ISOLATION of one part is the death of that part and subsequently the death of the entire body.

If you wish to be alone for any reason, don’t stay away from others – at least not for long. You might say that this or that person offends you, these or those people make you feel bad, true as it maybe, you must first of all know where you truly belong. In society not everyone is worth associating with and ISOLATION is not the answer. Give no room for Evil to toy with your mind. Get the right company. Get the right fellowship. Get into a relationship with God and walk with those who will brush you up, teach you, reach out to you, stand by you, feel you and help you. ISOLATION is good but for a season to get renewal from God who is your source of life and purpose. Take out time to be alone with God but never skip fellowship with the brethren.

I love you and I pray to be with you forever because we were meant to be ONE even as God the Father is ONE with God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

31ST AUG. 2018

Breaking News: The Lord's Chosen Pastor's First son marries on low key

Probably the biggest story this year. The son of the Pastor of the fastest growing church in Africa and arguably the world, Pastor Joshua...